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  1. Karim Abdoun

    Egypt will buy China 071 dock landing ship

    Completely agree. I hope we can live through an economic recovery as soon as possible.
  2. Karim Abdoun

    Corruption in Egyptian Armed Forces

    The French government already had recognized the Egyptian government, so that aint corruption :D
  3. Karim Abdoun

    Egyptian Armed Forces

    There is no doubt in my mind that we have been funded by the Gulf states. There is absolutelyno way we can fund this ourselves unless the military has a huge amount of the economy under wraps which means the corruption and secrecy of the Egyptian military has been severely underestimated which...
  4. Karim Abdoun

    Modern Egyptian Air Force Philosophy

    I wanted to understand how the EAF conducts its business of securing airframes and equipment. I am furious right now at the picks of aircraft that I think have some sort of elements of old fashioned nostalgia along with and inept capability to foresee and overcome Israel's potential in the...
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