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  1. G

    Breaking news: AirAsia plane missing with 162 passengers!

    There are several flights nearby when the plane went missing, I wonder if they encounter particularly severe turbulence over that area. On websites such as turbulenceforecast com we can see pilot reports of turbulence, but only over the US. Such information would be massively helpful if only it...
  2. G

    Emerging and Frontier Markets: Economic and Geopolitical Analysis

    What method is used to put value on human capital? I still think it's an arbitrary concept, a rough approximation at best. AFAIK in accounting recognizing human capital as a type of asset is still problematic, if not against the GAAP. I wonder if it's different in macro-economy as stated in...
  3. G

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I watch on al jazeera, 83% of papua's youth are unemployed. The govt need to put infra projects outside java at double speed. Railway track, deep sea ports, etc. I believe the recent shooting must be due to undisciplined personnel, nobody with a sane mind in the line of command would order such...
  4. G

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I respectfully disagree with your statement, our education system IMO is already one of the most lax in the world. Our students rank 2nd from bottom in problem solving skills (PISA). I remember studying from singapore's math textbook, man the A-level problems were so difficult compared to ours...
  5. G

    ISIS in Southeast Asia

    Fanaticism in my country isn't that bad. They only make probably less than 1%. The 2 largest muslim organisations, have 100+million members between them and totally committed to pluralism and moderate form of Islam. Except in Aceh province and few other areas we don't apply religious law, unlike...
  6. G

    ‘Arabic Month’ to be held in many Indonesian cities

    That's a bit ironic, isn't it? reading your signature
  7. G

    Indonesia Economy Forum

    That is Mr. Chairul Tanjung, so far the 5th wealthiest man in Indonesia. His core business is banking (PT. Bank Mega Tbk.), 2 TV stations, numerous shopping malls, palm oil plantation, and as you mentioned he purchased the Indonesian operation of Carrefour. He also own the franchise license for...
  8. G

    Members named for Asia infrastructure bank

    1998 crisis was a bitter pill, but it's for the better. Today we have a very cautious and prudent central bank. Business prior to 98 was run based on political backing and bribery. IMF kicked the door and the entire house crumbled.
  9. G

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Neglected? We're fortunate to be located in a relatively conflict free area (SE asia), so a massive military presence was not a top priority, unlike your country for example.
  10. G

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    That picture is actually from his previous visit february this year
  11. G

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Perhaps in his 4th or 5th year, if he manage to fix structural issues. I'm quite optimistic. I read that jakarta's traffic jam alone cost us 0.5% of growth, logistic bottleneck due to lack of ports and inadequate rail transport another 1.0-1.5%. We actually have the potential to reach 8-10% growth.
  12. G

    Jakarta will host Asian Games 2018

    @katarabhumi, I hear we're going to build F1 circuit in bali. Bali GP, sounds nice.
  13. G

    Indonesia Economy Forum

    It's ironic how the DPR scrap direct regional election to "save budget" among other reasons. The next day rupiah plunged, adding extra 5-7 Trillion to our deficit.
  14. G

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    I can't find the article anymore, but it's somewhere in old kaskus circa 2011/2012. Not long after the news of original grant.
  15. G

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    The defense minister said we are not interested in getting more Su30s, why is that? costly maintenance? And exactly how many F16 block 32+ we will get? I understand 24 is the official number, but there's an old news article stating the US will give us 10 or 12 more if we're interested.
  16. G

    Indonesian radicals protest against a new incoming ethnic Chinese Jakarta governor

    Pancasila is the only thing keeping Indonesia from becoming another middle-east. Pancasila = five principles (faith, humanity, unity, democracy, social justice). But when people talk about pancasila that can also mean our national motto taken from a 13th century javanese poem "bhinneka...
  17. G

    Indonesian radicals protest against a new incoming ethnic Chinese Jakarta governor

    There was a lot of suspicion toward chinese Indonesian in the past but things are improving in the last decade. If you're stereotyping all chinese as arrogant then you sir, are racist. I'm half chinese half native indonesian, and I know many arrogant, materialistic Indonesian, and I also know...
  18. G

    Indonesia Economy Forum

    Hey is that the guy from Aerosmith? Lol
  19. G

    Indonesia Economy Forum

    Although it's necessary, It's not that simple to pull the plug on fuel subsidy. Inflation would soar, and the central bank will have to raise their rate, then the economy would slow down even further. I personally think SBY (and CT) did a very good job with the economy, especially recent mining...
  20. G

    ASEAN Affairs Forum

    Indonesia's data is taken from population above 50 years old. I estimate the real number would be around 165-170. I'm 175 and I'm only slightly taller than average in jakarta.
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