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    Pakistan military offers help for Indian soldiers buried under Siachen avalanche

    Thanks for gesture...any support if saves a life is a welcome move.
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    China hits India where it hurts

    India is vibrant democracy and fastest growing major economy and as per experts will continue to be remain like same in future whereas ,china is having slowing econmic growth ,it wuld be better for china to worry about its economy and preventing Civil unrest which will raise it head once the...
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    China hits India where it hurts

    May be you have not understood what I was wanting to point ,The country where people are not able to elect their leader ,and are ruled by a single party where it can take any decision with impunity and without any opposition ,can be categorised as slave people. In Foreseeable future I see...
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    Eight killed in Balochistan attack.

    You will harvest only what you have sown.
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    Husain Haqqani to Pakistan: Stop competing with India and start focusing on our own welfare

    Look, India is a very diverse country with mix of different religion ,and if you see the history of Indian subcontinent the people in power always tried to dominate the others...having said that the current period of secular democratic India is golden period for religious freedom in Indian...
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    Husain Haqqani to Pakistan: Stop competing with India and start focusing on our own welfare

    Your Reply reflects the mentality of you people:hitwall:..after getting your a$$s kicked many time you still believe in brotherly relation, where the brother country will never go against your interest...but my friend the world is very different here only interest is given priority ad the...
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    Husain Haqqani to Pakistan: Stop competing with India and start focusing on our own welfare

    You are acting like a frustrated man who seem very jealous his neighbour's growth, Regarding the facts it's not only us but the whole world is thinking about us ,we are the country with over billion people ,where people strive for gaining economic prosperity and collectively working for the...
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    Does Sri Lanka need a Bridge link between India and Sri Lanka? NO! But India does

    Europe has gained economically after connecting with UK but what south Asia will achieve by investing such a huge amt for connectivity with Srilanka.
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    Help Russia during testing time of sanctions, Rostec appeals to Modi government

    Time has came for India to payback the Russia for the unconditional support it has extended at the time of Crisis.
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    Mumbai set to have India's tallest commercial building

    This is Madarsha English....these people are future of ISIS and protector of ISLAM
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    India should give Pakistan a last chance. Let the guns do the talking then

    yes :hitwall: that's why we have embraced their civilisation.
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    'Pakistan's Nasr missile is the most dangerous development in South Asia'

    God Forbid if situation comes to launching of nukes than there will not be any mainland Pakistani surviving to do Gazwa e Hind.
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    Post Graduate Talib was forced to pick up gun: Mother

    RIP... one more Indian has lost his life because of brain washing ...but our army is only doing its job.
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    Road & rail link between India's Rameswaram and Sri Lanka's Thalaimannar could be a reality soon!

    Spending much on connectivity with SRILANKA will not offer us much return ...better that amt be invested in enhanced regional connectivity within India. Sea route is already there for our trading..and Srilanka have a small economy.
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    Do Hindus in your locality rent houses to muslims?

    Since 3 yrs I am living with my Friend ..who is a Muslim.
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    Hameed Gul opinion on war with India

    Still the so called Ummas where not understanding why once powerful muslim world now is in such a pathetic condition ...this is just the start of their decline ,,if they will continue twisting foundation of their religion soon they will face wrath of the same God...for whom they think they are...
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    The Pakistani army planning something against India

    So you want to start a tug of war with a country which will be 10 times larger than you in economy and 7 times in population,with each passing year this difference will keep increasing ,hence I suggest to take action today rather than postponing the same for future.
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    Indian Police shoots down 16 year old Kashmiri protester

    A bullet fired on hostile antinational crowd will not check the age f person before hitting the target...if you will get the unbiased detail of incident you will find that ...Firing was resorted only after the failure of all the the preventive measures.

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