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  1. G


    I'm sure you ran to the mods to escape me right? :lol: Pu$$y
  2. G

    30% Chinese can't speak Mandarin

    It's to get more funds for education. Political infighting between departments.
  3. G

    30% Chinese can't speak Mandarin

    So they talked to 30% of our population? :lol: Enjoy your collapsed currency Yindoo boy!
  4. G

    Chinese ASAT vs US ASAT

    The Yankees will always be the country that had such a massive technological lead with all the money and still got humiliated by our VOLUNTEEER army. The Yankees thought they were some unbeatable military thinking they can conquer North Korea and once we entered the war, we started to give the...
  5. G

    Chinese ASAT vs US ASAT

    There is nothing the US has equal to the DF-21D. That's why the Yankees are petrified by it. The Yankees are too afraid to mess with us again and get another spanking after the humiliating defeat the worthless Yankees experienced in the Korean War. You mess with us again, we will make sure the...
  6. G

    China 'fears' India's rapid border capacity building: AK Antony, Defence Mi

    We will invade India whenever the damn hell we want and India will just sit there crying. India has always been our punching bag for decades and it will remain that way. We love to make a mockery of India. Why? Because we can!
  7. G

    Another horrific rape story from "democratic" India

    You are already a dictatorship. The Gandhis rule India, it's so much of a dictatorship that even the Italian wife of the former Indian leader was chosen as the ruler :lol: Similar to North Korea!
  8. G


    A comedian just like you.
  9. G

    China, Russia rebuke India

    India is already a 4th world slum country. Most unbiased Indians would even admit this as a fact.
  10. G

    Saudi Arabia behind Syria's Chemical Attacks claims Russia

    Saudi Arabia is a despotic regime and a state sponsor of terrorism, they should be nuked back to the Stone Age by Russia.
  11. G

    Chinese ASAT vs US ASAT

    In ASAT technology, the US is not even in our league.
  12. G

    China - best of BRICS in Global Competitiveness Ranking WEF - 2013-14

    None of the other members of the BRICS will ever touch China. The only competition we have right now is the US. We are ahead of everyone else in most areas.
  13. G

    The Tri Axis China India And Russia

    Only Russia has the spine to stand up to the Yankees. Even we are not criticising and backing Russia as I would like. The CPC is now just a puppet of the Yankee regime. CPC members have close links to Yankee NGOs. India is even less likely to say anything anti-US.
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