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  1. 1

    Work on Bhasha, Dasu Dams to start simultaneously

    Work on all dams in progress in PAKISTAN shud start simultaneously as this will cut the cost of the projects nd PAKISTAN will b able 2 complete the projects in a shorter period of time.
  2. 1

    Maj. Nidal Hasan sentenced to death for Fort Hood shooting

    This is the true face of this JEW worshipping piece of trash country known as america wen BALES killed MUSLIMS ontop of tht innocent civilians women nd children in KANDAHAR he got life sentence nd wen a MUSLIM kills these coward american troops who r attacking ISLAMIC COUNTRIES nd killing...
  3. 1

    Washington Post: As Syrian opposition’s losses mount, teenagers begin filli

    Before CIA REBELS came in syria there was no such thing as civil war in syria or chemical attacks it was all part of an american orchestated plan 2 first weaken SYRIA from CIA REBELS internally then give chemical weapons 2 CIA REBELS nd TERRORISTS 2 false flag syrian chemical attack nd then...
  4. 1

    President Obama is considering a limited strike on Syrian military

    Blacks nd jews will b wiped out from the face of this earth if OBAMA oops OBONGO attacks syria.
  5. 1

    Mosques declared terrorism organisations by NYPD: Report

    This jew worshipping piece of crap country known as america is the biggest terror hub of the world dont worry this jew worshipping piece of crap country america will soon b wiped out from the face of this earth these american government piece of craps r jew worshippers including OBAMA oops...
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