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  1. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    I am also a fan of Bollywood and Telegu movies, as well as a long admirer of past and present India. NK believes "isolation" is better than "subjugation" (not than freedom). This may be wrong. But just as we should not judge India solely based on the Indian caste system, which I detest, for...
  2. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    I agree with you and believe will learn a lot from you if possible. Merci dustam, man be shoma khaham-nevesht (ba'adan).
  3. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    A correction: 2) "the second stage changed its course during its flight towards the South Pole to avoid flying close to other countries (Taiwan or Philippines?) ..." ===> 2) "In order to drop our second stage of the rocket to safe areas far from other countries (probably Taiwan or...
  4. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    I never told you or asked you to know about NK. I just remarked that you should know correctly about something (even) if you don't know much about it so that you don't end up being both ignorant and stupid. By the way, I am a great admirer of India. I admire your great rockets too.
  5. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    You don't have to know about NK but if you know something, know correctly if you don't want to embarrass yourself. Unless I am ignorant, I would not say "I have very little idea about India minus their failed ballistic missile."
  6. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    Thanks again Soheil, I was unaware of your debate with the German guy. You seem to be a serious person/expert and a patriotic Iranian. As to the extent of NK and Iranian connection, it is "the engines" that really matter. So let's wait and see. Also, if a joint project with NK was...
  7. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    So you are simply going to ignore/close your eyes to the proofs that North Korea put a satellite into orbit in 1998 I presented and instead you quote the guy you don't trust so much? It's not your fault if you have been misinformed until now. I provided you with new evidences now. You are...
  8. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    Does this mean you agree with him? I don't know what you are trying to prove. But anyway, thanks. Let me repeat what I wrote above. Iran will or more likely should benefit from the next generation NK rocket (post-Unha 3) to send a man into space by 2019, which is 6 years from now. I say...
  9. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    Thank you Anonymous_CryptoSpy if what you say pertains to NK! If you are congratulating Iran, still thank you.
  10. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    Again, I don't know what you are trying to say. If you want to believe that Unha-3 (probably an improved version of the Unha-2 rocket that was successfully tested in 2009. Not talking about the satellite) is based on Simorgh, whose production is still incomplete, not vice versa, you may do so. I...
  11. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    I don't know what you are trying to prove with this but did you check all the relevant pages including the following page? b14643.de/Spacerockets_1/Diverse/Nodong_Safir/index.htm
  12. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    I will only say that speculations and factual information should be distinguished. I won't present conjectures here. By the way, last year, in April, when North Korea invited foreign journalists to their launch site to prove that they were not testing an ICBM (Unha-3 rocket is too big to be...
  13. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    Allow me to correct you Chinese-Dragon. I thought Chinese people would be better informed about its only serious ally in Asia. NK succeeded in putting a satellite into orbit for the first time in 1998. NK joined the space club 10 years before Iran and 10 years after Israel. Check my previous...
  14. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    I don't mean to be rude or side with 500 but do know that NK succeeded in putting a satellite into orbit using Baekdusan rocket (known as Taepodong 1) for the first time in 1998. NK joined the Space club 10 years before Iran. For the proof, 1. go to NASA website and search for "Worldwide...
  15. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    By the way, congratulations Iran! I see the rebirth of the Persian Empire!
  16. J

    Iran successfully sends living creature in to space, recovers it alive.

    Unha-3 is not better because it is bigger but because it is more powerful. It can send heavier satellites into higher altitudes. If turned into an ICBM, it can send a heavier nuclear warhead much further. Making new rocket engines with bigger thrust is essential in the development of aerospace...
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