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  1. S

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    Taiwan burnishes regional credentials with measured response to Filipino aggression | euronews, world news This is how the world views the incident. You will never hear about it again. It's diplomacy at work. You guys think it's all about weapons and power? The pen is MIGHTIER than the...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    what does declaring war have to do with ANYTHING??? like I said, lose the bubble for your own sake. Your views are totally distorted. If KMT is a U.S. slave, and if CCP was part of KMT, then by LOGIC what does that make the CCP? forget the labels and all the propagandas you have ever...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    wrong, second sino-jap war started in 1937, pearl harbor happened in 1942. KMT officially fought the japs for 8 years. In the first year no one in Europe wanted to help KMT, cuz they viewd KMT as a faction, and everyone thought Japan would take china within 6 months, but the war lasted 8...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    bah, you're just being facetious. You mean you wish all Chinese in Taiwan eradicated? Let me ask you a question that I know you will not answer honestly, so don't answer: What has ANY Taiwanese, or American, done to YOU, OR ANY CHINESE, that deserves such deep seeded hatred??? don't forget...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    ma bufang is a bad *** mofo ARe you kidding? Have you ever been to the country side of China? particularly in the central part? someone actually asked me if the U.S. had it's cultural revolution yet. I laughed into my sleep. Everyone in China over 40 is an illiterate. face it, the cultural...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    you mean you rather wear a cue pony tail than follow the civilized Hans republic founded by Sun Yatsen? Boy, you sound like a cornered dog ready to jump the wall. Sun Yatsun got help from Russia b/c no European wanted to help him without something in return. The only thing Russia wanted from...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    I don't understand your point, what does this have to do with anything? KMT/ Russia/ U.S./ UK were allies during WW2. Chiang son's life was saved by his wife when he tried to escape Russia when China's civil war broke out. There is nothing wrong with any of this, except you were conditioned...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    http://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/DBG.TAB1.2.GIF All you gotta do is muster up the courage to type in "cultural revolution" in Google, and you will find the truth about Mao. It is not my logic (actually logic is the universal truth, and therefore should not be the object of a possessive...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    What do you mean be like martin? We are individuals with unique thinking and beliefs. I am not speaking for KMT, but I am critical of Mao's approach to "freedom" and "class struggle." He was more ruthless than the Japs that raped Nanking. But, no one from China will ever acknowledge that, b/c...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    History of chiang and post WW2 china.. keep in mind this is news by mainlanders... Chiang Kai-shek's Diary Discloses Anti-Mao Secrets - YouTube
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    Indeed! very interesting! you brought live back to this thread. But, chiang still lost the big one, when he did poured his soldiers into the real fight , they all defected to CCP thinking they can become heros and warlords; or, they thought they defected for a better future.. bet they didn't...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    I didn't want to respond, but I can't leave without pointing out the blatant flaws in all of your arguments. you left out about 90% of the whole history of Senkaku/ diaoyudao, which I don't feel like educating you on. Don't act like you are informed, it does not become you, not even close.
  13. S

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    pac pac pac lac lac lac dac dac dac I cannot tolerate the perpetual ignorance and nonsense displayed by your endless flippant rants you should see a shrink try dr phil he is very good with incoherent illiterates like you don't you have nothing better to do in life than nagging ppl to death like...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    you are half right. CIA wanted to overthrow chiang, and sun liren was trained by CIA (not only acquired asset). I think he was whacked by Chiang. But, still Chiang propagated western values like public education, solar calendar, science, etc., but as you implied he was not about to give up...
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    Japanese forces' name and role to change

  16. S

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    okay, last note before I head to work. Comparing Mao to Chiang Kai-shek is like comparing Jeffrey Domer to Charles Mason. Both killers and murderers. One difference: Mao wanted closed-door policies, whereas Chiang wanted westernization. That is why Taiwan became industrialized earlier than...
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    Thank you, for giving me an insight into the minds of Chinese youth from China. Nonetheless, I will continue to help people from China who seeks freedom away from the CCP.
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    I understand it's a sensitive issue for you, b/c it took my wife a long time to accept the truth. If you look deeper into the issue, it will appear to be a normal course of everyday occurrence in history. Take off the edge and sensitivity. It is not as serious as you have been told.
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    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    KMT leader was corrupt and stupid-- agreed CPC didn't fail to defend China -- disagree. Like I said Mao never engaged imperial forces of Japan toe to toe. China controlled by KMT = weak military -- disagree. Taiwan has nuclear capabilities, but can't make nukes at U.S. demand. You sound...
  20. S

    Japanese forces' name and role to change

    You should chill out.. If you hate democracy so much, WTF are you doing in Canada? why don't you park your a ss in China and join the PLA? I didn't come to the U.S. by choice, but you left China by choice, so what are you bickering about? Talks like that will never intimidate, nor will it...
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