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  1. A

    IAF commits to 324 Tejas fighters, provided a good Mark-II jet is delivered

    Funny it is coming from a Bangladeshi who's air force is made of 70% 3rd Generation Chinese junk called as F-7 which doesn't have half the thing which LCA-Tejas has in it .
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    IAF commits to 324 Tejas fighters, provided a good Mark-II jet is delivered

    BLAH BLAH BLAH In their Mind more BLAH BLAH . :crazy:
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    IAF commits to 324 Tejas fighters, provided a good Mark-II jet is delivered

    250 JF-17 + Export orders will still fall short of IAF's order of 324 Tejas MK1/MK1A/MK2 :cheesy::cheesy: .
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    Details of India's 5th Gen AMCA Technology Demonstrator: NGTD

    On Similar lines of Mitsubishi X-2 Shinshin
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    USAF chief General Goldfein to fly in LCA Tejas tomorrow

    USAF Chief Flying an Indian Plane near from a forward airbase near Pakistan . Very Interesting subvert message has been send . I can understand some are rattled http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/06/14/homosexuality-not-tolerated-pakistan-google-searches-gay-porn_n_3440586.html No 1 at...
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    Watch "Gen. (Rtd) Kishan Pal accept that India lost Kargil War" on YouTube

    Not So Sharif Went to USA to beg US Intervention for a War they were winning :cheesy:
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    India: Turkey’s 3rd Largest Defence Buyer !!!

    Looks like Chinese are more rattled by Turkeys export to India than Pakistanis . Good thing about Democratic India is that it can buy from any one while China is stuck with only Russia who too sells them after lot of persuasion and royalty money since they know China will copy that too .
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    Stunning new Picture pf Tejas with full load and fuel tanks

    Tejas will Soon will be in War Games shows Maturity of the Program , Recent Visitors include Singaporean Defence minister , Turkmenistan Air force chief and IAF Chief who has flown the aircraft . 4000 flights without Accident or Crash shows it is more reliable then any fighter jet developed in...
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    Kashmir: 4 Indian troops dead after resistance fighters storm military camp.

    Don't worry we will settle the Score like we did last time
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    Delayed by five years, INS Kalvari just a 'toothless' tiger shark?

    You mean we can beat Chinese in poor workmanship like that of this incident >>>> Chinese submarine 361 (Ming-class submarine) that killed all 70 crew members on board in 2003 might kickstart your brain dead memory perhaps ??
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    India quietly launches second SSBN

    At-least Indians don't leak VGA quality Pics in 2017 like Some in neighbor do to do their propaganda :rofl:
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    Troops for the UN peacekeeping mission:

    UN only listens to strong and mighty which India is , Try getting some support on Kashmir from your Arab Brothers in UN forum but even they will blackout they will only dance in your IOC which is pretty much useless
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    Troops for the UN peacekeeping mission:

    UN needs Indian Army and not the other way around . if they say we don't need them then we won't send
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    While India paid 240 m for each Rafale, Qatar buys same Rafale at 110 m

    LOL Congress Supporters don't even know that this was additional order , Qatar paid $7.02bn for 24 jets while India paid less will do same when French President comes to India , "follow-on" deal will cost just over 60% of the original acquisition and induction price then this slaves will go to...
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    Before Rafale deal, Modi govt passed over option to buy Rs 453 cr/unit cheaper Eurofighter

    Germans won't supply us with their Assault Rifles , Could they have provided us Nuclear Capable Eurofighter ?? Rafale was L1 Bidder and not Eurofighter and after Rafales performance in Syria did any one had doubt about its A2G capabilities ??
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    French officials rubbish Congress’s Rafale claims

    So you think deal was for 10 $ billion for 126 jets with TOT ?? :cheesy: Good Fake account has changed both his flag Pappu doesn't even know that AA rated Business men is not building any 36 contract Rafale for India
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    ‘Rafale allegations driven by politics’

    10 billion ?? it was way over 20 billion by the time it was selected ! This is why AK Anthony never signed the deal .
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    Crony Capitalism catapults Anil Ambani’s fortunes as Rafale chosen to fly in Indian skies

    Looks Congress Propaganda machinery is back in action LOL
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