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  1. Ahura Mazda

    IRIAF > F-14 A > ( SOHEIL CGI )

    THESE ARE AMAZING! you are talented bro!! make more :D I seen your 3D work and I have to say they are really good, making these must takes long time. I am fan of soheil 3D :)
  2. Ahura Mazda

    Iran releases Shahnameh-inspired computer game

    ^^^ That's me in that picture.
  3. Ahura Mazda

    Iran releases Shahnameh-inspired computer game

    Thank you our dear afghan brother :)
  4. Ahura Mazda

    IRGC Increases Targeting Precision of Zelzal Rockets

    it can't have the guidance of the new fateh since the new fateh can hit ships! so the CEP of the fateh is much less than 50m. They probably created a cheap new guidance system to be used in our thousands of zelzal.
  5. Ahura Mazda

    India plans fastest supercomputer by 2017

    well done to our ancient brothers :)
  6. Ahura Mazda

    Turkish Authorities Disprove Plane Shot Down by Syria

    Just pathetic :disagree: Martians shot it down? you should at least admit it was shot down by syria...it become more embarrassing when you lie and lie.
  7. Ahura Mazda

    Ask your question about Iran

    sometime you people need to do a little research and then ask the question.... wtf?
  8. Ahura Mazda

    Ask your question about Iran

    Iran is wise to turn east, west is crumbling now. we need to tap into the Indian and chinese markets.
  9. Ahura Mazda

    Ask your question about Iran

    Please don't compare Iran to those wahabi terrorists states...
  10. Ahura Mazda

    Ask your question about Iran

    He was a puppet for the west. no one likes him here in Iran he was a disgrace to Iran.
  11. Ahura Mazda

    Ask your question about Iran

    As I already said, I don't know our true numbers, some say as much as 200,000! also yes, some persian zatroshti went to Indian. I met few of them. the holy sited in Zoroastrian are all here in Iran, including the Bahram fire temple :) also, the stolen Iranian land that has been stolen from us...
  12. Ahura Mazda

    Ask your question about Iran

    Never mind.
  13. Ahura Mazda

    Ask your question about Iran

    فربد من پرما بن شدم
  14. Ahura Mazda

    Ask your question about Iran

    Raz- you are not worth our time.
  15. Ahura Mazda

    Ask your question about Iran

    It is forbidden to change your Islamic religion, but who told you it's punishable by death? Iranians are very moderate in their religions. Number of young people in Iran being Muslims is decreasing.
  16. Ahura Mazda

    Iran honored to share experiences with Syria: IRGC chief

    This news came out today and you talked about it long time ago?
  17. Ahura Mazda

    Ask your question about Iran

    Our numbers are not known, but we are increasing :) some sources say as much as 150,000-200,000! but I don't know the true figure.
  18. Ahura Mazda

    Ask your question about Iran

    Little kid are you crying?
  19. Ahura Mazda

    Iran honored to share experiences with Syria: IRGC chief

    Iran will protect syrian people from terrorists funded by Turkey and saudis.
  20. Ahura Mazda

    Iran honored to share experiences with Syria: IRGC chief

    The head of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Major General Mohammad-Ali Jafari, says Iran is honored to share its experiences with the Syrian government. “It is an honor for the Islamic Republic to share its experiences and provide [the Syrian government with] any kind of...
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