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    Shah Rukh Khan insults Pakistan

    he had to say it ofcourse. otherwise u pple will hold his throat and protest outside his home and destroy his film posters
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    Quaid wanted ‘Mussalmans’ to enter film industry

    we need to revive our film industry
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    Musharraf Turns An Indian Anchor Into An Epic Goof.

    u indians need to learn how to be a host, besides everything else. There is a huge link between the tension on LOC and the rape in Delhi that stained 'shining India' in the world media. Indian government was looking for ways to get out and turn people wrath and media's lenses away from rape...
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    What do you guys think the worst SOUNDING language is?

    definitely tamil... and no hate here cause my best friend is sri lankan tamil guyanese is pretty bad too (broken english):sick: and lets add pure punjabi to the list. u know.. badboodaar punjabi with a heavy village accent. sounds a bit jaahil
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    How many guys here have taken accutane for acne?????

    That is exactly what accutane does. it shrinks your sebaceous gland which can be enlarged or hyperactive due to a wide range of reasons including heredity. Some people don't have control over this and not all things work for all people. Accutane is a last resort for some people. the derms...
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    How many guys here have taken accutane for acne?????

    desi nusskay? ! hahah. i've tried all of the desi "cures" in the book. believe it or not acne has not explicitly been linked to diet by credible dermatologists. (barring a few foods). its a common misconception in the desi world. but yes if something you are eating is aggravating ur acne then...
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    How many guys here have taken accutane for acne?????

    yup low-dose is good for treating oily skin or mild acne. it is also safer to take cause its easier on the liver. but the logic behind high dose accutane is to target the beast once brutally (for 6 months) and hopefully it will never come back. but it does come back for some people especially...
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    How many guys here have taken accutane for acne?????

    the dosage depends on the patients height and weight. if he is prescribed 40 mg i assume its the right dosage for him. accutane (like many other meds) can affect the liver. thats why they monitor your blood monthly. so if something comes up they will stop him. its not a drug u take forever. its...
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    How many guys here have taken accutane for acne?????

    no hairloss or sexual side effects for me.
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    How many guys here have taken accutane for acne?????

    don't worry about side effects. u will have extremely dry skin the entire time you are on it. the worst is the lips, face and hand. which u can easy counter with excessive moisturizing. other than that you might feel a bit exhausted. different people have different side effects. the internet...
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    How many guys here have taken accutane for acne?????

    i did. best thing that ever happened to me. side effects an an itch but its worth it in the end. you're in canada so it will be monitored. u gotta have ur blood tested every month. so its pretty safe. just remember to follow all the instructions. take the plunge. yes accutane is isotretonin...
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    Bal Thackeray, Hindu leader and Shiv Sena founder, dies

    ball-less-thakery tera abba tha kya?
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    Your favorite member on PDF?

    is there a thread for most hated members :P
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    Your favorite member on PDF?

    akbar the great
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    Pakistan's Got Talent.

    pakistani's no doubt have alot of talent. but we should be careful about being original instead of becoming like these indian stealers and lifting songs and movies from all over the world. these kids should do originals instead of covers.
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    The partition of laughter

    I go to india every few years i have my cousins there. No prob with visa and no face spitting issues. Or me..hahah
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    The partition of laughter

    Lmao My aunt and cousins visited family in india after mumbai attacks. Its rly not that hard to get a visa to india if u kno da right people or have the moolah. And rightly stated its especially not that hard for terrorists to obtain a visa of any country Hahahha
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