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  1. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    ^ Lol so all along you people believe in this nonsense! hahahahahaha https://notionsinmotion.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/650px-classdravidian.png?w=599 The entire nation of India is an illusion created by 3 factors - low IQ of most population, former colonial borders and fear of Islam. If India...
  2. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    Pop open a vein and end the misery already if you can't handle high BP. And it is incredibly stupid(which I'm not surprised of), to quote me while writing to someone else. Attention deficit disorder? And whatever other works of Hinduism you take, other ethnicity and languages have been simply...
  3. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    ...said the ignorant. If Hinduism is an amalgamation, then the vedas should have other languages which were part of the Indian Subcontinent(Indus Script/proto-dravidian, Dravidian, North East Indian group). Vedas are in the Indo-European Language structure only. And yes, Hinduism is more of a...
  4. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    Lol.... Let me get this straight. So you are a poser, posing to the kids on this forum, and making statements out of your arse and these dumbos eat them up. You make statements and don't even back them up, and as if other people have to prove what you have written testifies to your stupidity on...
  5. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    Took place is about 600 BC, and this magical date was determined by? And still, this is not the vedas now is it. And its not even written down!! Oh Goodness. Fact: Earliest proven inscription of prakrit: less than 300BC
  6. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    Wait what?? I meant what I said - Prakrit and historical carbon dating. And I suggest you understand what is going on before going on a tangent.
  7. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    What language? The earliest known inscription for prakrit is less than 300bc. Sanskrit doesn't even have an inscription at that time.
  8. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    You mean the epics where people are flying around with mountains, and flashing arrows and other bullshit, and you are ascertaining the dates from these texts? Everyone has given up their bizzare Pagan religions, the Vikings, the Greeks, the Romans, and have embraced the lessser stupid abrahmic...
  9. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    ^ Whatever rocks your boat. Well it was following a 'one mandated school of thought' of caste system pretty well until democracy came by, thereby breaking the fundamental rule of religion, equality.
  10. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    You missed the point. If Hinduism is indeed an amalgamation, then here should have been dravidian words or mentions in Vedas. There is NONE! There is only mentions of dark skinned people and the fight with them.
  11. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    Lets not go over the re-writing of history to justify the existence of the current day India, and sneak an entire group of migrants pretending to be natives. Hinduism is linguistically bound to the Indo-Aryan group of languages. The Vedas being in the Indo-European group of languages. And...
  12. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    Hindus are lucky. With all this rona dhona, go check out what happened to the Jews. They were almost wiped out everywhere they were during those times. If Hindus got the same treatment as jews, India's religious mix would have been a lot different. What would the people have done if the mughals...
  13. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    Basically its called evolution. When a better idea comes along the way, people generally ditch the old idea for the new. Basically these people were just fed up on the caste system and jumped ship to a religion which promises equality to all who practice the religion by the book. Why would any...
  14. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    Genetically I would consider them Aryans, same as the Iranians who are proud to flaunt they are Aryans. That's because Islam is vehemently against idolatry. Muslims are just doing what their God is asking them to do. Qur’an 9:5—Slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive)...
  15. Su-11

    Pak believes that attacking India is their birth right,eent ka jawaab patthar se dena hoga: Parrikar

    He is talking about the fact that Islam doesn't belong to the sub-continent and it is culturally different. What he doesn't realise is that he is on a slippery slope the moment he brings in that argument- in that, Hinduism is not a native to the subcontinent as well. The Aryans are nomads who...
  16. Su-11

    Stop bashing Muslims, and start focusing on positive Hindutva

    I bet you didn't even knew what it means. :lol: Idiots. Like I said, one dimensional fools.
  17. Su-11

    Stop bashing Muslims, and start focusing on positive Hindutva

    May he touch you with the noodly appendage too. I love the minds of the unwashed masses. So cute and one dimensional. If anyone says anything different than the government, then he has to be a Muslim.
  18. Su-11

    Stop bashing Muslims, and start focusing on positive Hindutva

    Dude, if you said this in India you would be branded a hate monger. Such things didn't happen, all thanks to the magic of re-writing textbooks. Aryan invasion didn't happen, Muslim invasion didn't happen, and Europeans Colonialists are traders. Politically correct nonsense is everywhere in India.
  19. Su-11

    Stop bashing Muslims, and start focusing on positive Hindutva

    Hmm.. wanting to play devils advocate here. Actually for a muslim, its beneficial if India splits rather than barely stick together. Infact for the greater good of all the people, it would be better if India becomes only a geographical entity like it was for most of its existence. It would mean...
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