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    How long will Israel exist?

    Just as the Sun rises in the morning, and set down in the evening.....Israel's time will come....then we will see who will do the spanking of who. Anyway why does a Indian get so happy did you forget when the Muslims conquered India, for a 1000 years....or is your memory, that of a fish.
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    Bangladesh Economy: News & Updates

    That is fantastic news.....looks like Bangladesh is getting strong day by day. A million tourists is a great milestone, keep up the good work.
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    Looks like dear old Solomon has ran away. If he does not tire brother then we both as muslims, shall not tire and repluse every attack he does on the Palestinians on this forum.
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    Before you question my goverment, you should question the credibillity of your corrupt goverment. BBC NEWS | Middle East | Israel faces corruption 'epidemic' Tsk.....not looking good for you, what a shame....not only do your leaders kill, they are also corrupt......is this how your...
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    Well currently the Pakistan army has commited no crime, that I know of recently........while Israel on the other hand seems to kill in abundance. Operation Cast lead is an example of that, in which 1400 Palestinians died......does that make you proud......looks like Nazi tactics are running...
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    Perhaps the mental trauma of the holacuast, has propelled the Israeli's to take there anger out on the Palestinians......what a tradegy.
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    The Face of Crisis: Gaza Starving To Death UN find challenges Israeli version of attack on civilian building in Gaza war | World news | The Guardian
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    I don't hate its people, because quite frankly i don't know every single jew that lives in Israel, but i hate Israel because it has double standards and it kills.
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    Well earlier before you wanted a opinion from a Pakistani, so I gave you one, and i don't need other Pakistani's to hold my back...ii'm old enough to do it my self as i'm 20.
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    Then Iran has a right to make nuclear weapons that thus serves it's interests, in its self defence against Israel........wouldn't you agree.
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    Israel admits using white phosphorous in attacks on Gaza - Times Online why are you using white phosphorus then, are you telling me that Hamas were using human shields that force Israel to use white phosphorus.......I don't think so.
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    'Gaza is a jail. Nobody is allowed to leave. We are all starving now' - Middle East, World - The Independent well this article shows that you are wrong.
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    Israeli Shells Strike U.N. Compound in Gaza (Updated) | Danger Room | Wired.com If that is the case Israel is trying to stop Hamas from gaining weapons, then why attack a UN building......does it make you tough.
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    Where have I said that I have conceded on the Ben Gurion issue. I'm not going to take word from a jewish Website......who know's they could have changed it to decieve people like you who live in cloud cooku land. Also I'm not going to subscribe just to get the article.
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    And you made fun of my grief when you refused to acknowledge the killing the Israeli are committing on the Palestinians. like Norman says you can't use the holacaust card each time, when you your self's are killing innocent people.
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    Okay Solomon2 why does Israel blockade Aid from going into Gaza, who gave you that right, maybe we should blockade Aid from going into Israel so that you lot can starve with the Palestinians, so that you can know how it feels to be hungry..........because it seems you people have forgot when the...
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    Thing is the Russians don't have the ideology to destroy us like you Zionists do, look in the news they are targetting Iran imposing sanction on them through America.
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    I have family members in the army who have confirmed it......and it makes sense as you bombed the Iraqi's tried it with us failed miserably and now you are focusing on Iran.
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    Like Doctor Norman says....where tired of your crocodile tears grow up.
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    60 Reasons to Celebrate With Israel

    Sanctions causing Gaza to implode, say rights groups | World news | The Guardian Oh look the Israeli's are starving the Palestinians........that alone is an atrocitiy committed by the Israeli on a daily basis.......Shame on you, looks like Nazi tactics have rubbbed onto you guys. Israel...
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