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  1. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    but they are pakis WTF....!!!!!!!!
  2. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    Mumbai attacks: British Muslims and terrorist attacks, Bombay India - Telegraph A number of young British Muslims with roots in Pakistan have been responsible for terrorist attacks, both in Britain and abroad. Omar Sharif from Derby, a student at King’s College London, went on to...
  3. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    It is not the case of hindu or muslim.... It is the case of Pakistani involvement...
  4. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    It was a pre planned attack .... So it is obvious that terrorists will have full knowledge about locations ,maps etc...
  5. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    contribution of BCCIin ICC is more than 70 %(financially )
  6. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    Refer to my older post: And plzz stop it....I m also bored with it... A pakistani would never say that pakistan could do any wrong thing... An Indian would never say that India could do any wrong thing... EOT
  7. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    The probe would continue..... ATS will take care of it..... there r many good officers ....
  8. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    :rolf: nice..... .
  9. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    pakistanis were involved in many of the terrorists attacks around the world..... why they can't be associated with any attack in India.. yaar what the F is this.... Many countries have give full evidance that pakistanis are involved in the terror attacks in their countries...
  10. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    Here comes one more conspiracy theory... Unlike pakistan v hav democratic govt. which is elected by the people of India.
  11. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    Exactly what i m saying...... pakistanis were involved in many of the terrorists attacks around the world..... why they can't be associated with any attack in India..
  12. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

  13. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    Plz mind ur language Go and read some world news.then u know how pakistan is realted with many terrorist attacks around the world........
  14. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    this attack. this attack is like all other terrorist attacks which the world has seen in the recent past...
  15. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    ... :undecided: What type of argument is this..... u can only differentiate between JIYADTI and Ziyadti only when some one writes them... More over his voice was not clear ....u can't argue with that point...JIYADTI and Ziyadti
  16. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    Not only India but many countries like Israel USA Britain Indonesia etc have blamed that pakistani terrorists (ISI agents ,, pakistani borned,, and similers ) ....for the terrorist attacks in their country.... Whole world knows that Al-quaida and many other terror org.s are closely related to...
  17. newlife

    Q+A: Who could be behind the Mumbai attacks and why?

    Not only India but many countries like Israel USA Britain Indonesia etc have blamed that pakistani terrorists (ISI agents ,, pakistani borned,, and similers ) ....for the terrorist attacks in their country.... Whole world knows that Al-quaida and many other terror org.s are closely related to...
  18. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    5 top cops... 4 terrorists.... at least 78 civilians... dead
  19. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    What can i say:::: :sniper: If govt. bans them..they come up again with new name....
  20. newlife

    Mumbai Attacks

    Mind it ...... many of our terrorist organizations are better and more intelligent than Al-quaida.
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