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  1. TexasJohn

    Why A U.S.-Iran War Isn't Going To Happen

    https://nationalinterest.org/blog/middle-east-watch/why-us-iran-war-isnt-going-happen-111211 The coming weeks and months may see irregular warfare prosecuted with newfound vigor through such familiar unconventional warmaking methods. It’s doubtful Tehran would launch into conventional...
  2. TexasJohn

    Beijing to Judge Every Resident Based on Behavior by End of 2020

    Perhaps China think absolute control of it's citizens is the way forward. Is it? is complete dictatorship the answer? China’s plan to judge each of its 1.3 billion people based on their social behavior is moving a step closer to reality, with Beijing set to adopt a lifelong points program by...
  3. TexasJohn

    Chuckie leaves Fort Worth

    For years Fort Worth was home to this baby. I will miss him :-( World War II bomber leaves Fort Worth | Fort Worth | News from Fort Worth, Dallas, Arlin...
  4. TexasJohn

    Prayer request for MuradK family

    Members, kindly keep the family in your prayers. I got an email from MuradK yesterday that his wife has cancer. It hit me in a very personal way as my wife is also a cancer survivor. As you all know, he had heart problems that he fought and won like you would expect a true warrior to do. I...
  5. TexasJohn

    The war that cannot be lost - or won?

    I read this article in Dawn today. I thought it was pretty insightful. DAWN.COM | Columnists | A war that cannot be won or lost Please do provide feedback. We should be careful of what we wish for. For years now, there has been a chorus from the right as well as the left in Pakistan...
  6. TexasJohn

    What language do you think in?

    This may seem like a rather stupid question, but I posed this question to several naturalized immigrants and was very surprised with the answer. You can also ask this question to any multi-lingual person who is native American or for that matter anyone who is multi-lingual. So go right ahead!!:D
  7. TexasJohn

    Kargil and PAF's role - by a PAF officer.

    Interesting read. Please comment. Aeronaut: Kargil Conflict and Pakistan Air Force Pakistani writings on Kargil conflict have been few and, those that have come out were largely irrelevant and in a few cases, clearly sponsored. The role of the PAF has been discussed off and on, but mostly...
  8. TexasJohn

    NSA declassified documents pertaining to 1971 conflict

    The Tilt: The U.S. and the South Asian Crisis of 1971 Real interesting read. Some old news but lots of new!! input welcome as usual!
  9. TexasJohn

    Cool artillary practise game...

    Cannon Challenge Game : Future Weapons : Discovery Channel Curious as to who scores good on this here!!!
  10. TexasJohn

    Does anyone have the video of the Indian Special Forces - Desert Rats?

    Especially since a bunch of bufoons spoiled the previous thread for everyone else? Not to be a peacenik or anything, but that could have been a good topic.
  11. TexasJohn


    Owais, the Msaonic sign is on the dollar, but only because most of the signors of the Constitution were Masons, and the "New Order" was liberation from Royal rule. I know, because I myself am a Mason. Contrary to myth and urban legend, we are not an occult society, we believe in God and...
  12. TexasJohn

    The Kargil story

    Fairly comprehensive list there Salim. Perchance were you in Kargil?
  13. TexasJohn

    The new "switchBlade" fighter / Bomber / and more

    http://www.area51zone.com/aircraft/switchblade.shtml This is an amazing concept plane!! Do read the link and give some input. I did not know if it was "legal" to post text per forum rules!
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