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    Pakistan: A reality check amid the terror and chaos

    Pakistan: A reality check amid the terror and chaos By Pervez Musharraf, Special to CNN June 8, 2011 7:11 p.m. EDT STORY HIGHLIGHTS Pakistan is a victim of terrorism and is certainly not the perpetrator, says Musharraf Musharraf: Strategic shift of U.S. policy toward India cost...

    Who’s responsible for Delhi’s rape crisis?

    Who’s responsible for Delhi’s rape crisis? Priya Ramani As women increasingly negotiate the public spaces that were until recently almost exclusively male (even today you rarely spot any women walking on many of Delhi’s roads after dark), the onus of our safety continues to lie with...

    How to get rid of weeds on my grass

    its full of dandelions:angry::sniper:..any suggestions?

    USA's Muslims under a cloud

    USA's Muslims under a cloud By Marilyn Elias, USA TODAY Motaz Elshafi, 28, a software engineer, casually opened an internal e-mail at work last month. The message began, "Dear Terrorist." The note from a co-worker was sent to Muslims working at Cisco Systems in Research Triangle Park...

    Petraeus condemns Quran burning as protests rage on

    Petraeus condemns Quran burning as protests rage on By the CNN Wire Staff April 3, 2011 6:37 p.m. EDT Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- Top U.S. officials in Afghanistan on Sunday condemned the burning of a Quran in the United States that sparked three days of protests in which more than 20 people...

    Pakistani team lost purposely

    Pakistani team lost purposely Column from Dallas Saeed Qureshi Pakistan’s cricket team could have easily won the semi final against India but purposely lost because of the backdoor intrigues. There was no need to garland a captain who knew that the team has brought slur to Pakistan...

    FACTBOX-China leads list of biggest US creditors

    FACTBOX-China leads list of biggest US creditors WASHINGTON | Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:00am EST Jan 10 (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama will host Chinese President Hu Jintao for a state visit on Jan. 19, and the leaders of the two economic powerhouses are expected to discuss thorny issues...

    N. Zealand media irate after Pakistan thrashing

    N. Zealand media irate after Pakistan thrashing WELLINGTON — New Zealand media lashed the nation's "embarrassingly bad" cricket team Monday after Pakistan routed the Black Caps within three days in the first Test at Hamilton. "New year - same old horror story," the back page of the New...

    Hindutva Communal-Terrorism: The Enemy Within

    Hindutva Communal-Terrorism: The Enemy Within By Amaresh Misra, The Milli Gazette Published Online: Jan 08, 2011 Print Issue: 1-15 January 2011 The speech given by Digvijay Singh at the Congress AICC meet on 19 December 2010 is historic in more ways than one. After a long...

    Indian Parliament attack — what it achieved for India

    Indian Parliament attack — what it achieved for India It might have been overshadowed by the Mumbai terrorist strike in November 2008 but attack on the Indian Parliament on December 13, 2001, on all accounts, remains a watershed in the jerky evolution of Indo-Pak relations, particularly in...

    Anti-India protests and demos in OSJK

    Anti-India protests and demos in OSJK Saturday, 08 January 2011 18:25 Srinagar, MTT News Desk: In Occupied State of Jammu & Kashmir (OSJK), protest demonstrations, marked by complete shutdown, continued in Tral for the second consecutive day, today, against the arrest of an...

    India’s shopping spree & appalling poverty

    India’s shopping spree & appalling poverty India is on a shopping spree with more than $100 billion in hand, and entering into defence deals left, right and centre. After signing nuclear deal with the US, Nuclear Suppliers Group’s countries are ready to sell materials and equipment to India...
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