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  1. MST

    With MTCR done, India to test extended range Brahmos next month

    BANGALORE: India is planning to test a new version of the Brahmos cruise missile on March 10, with New Delhi's entry into the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) removing previous barriers that capped the range of the joint project with Russia. DRDO Chief S Christopher said that an extended...
  2. MST

    INS Arihant Goes Critical

    Finally it happened. Will post more details soon.
  3. MST

    Yoga passes secularism test in US

    WASHINGTON: Yoga enthusiasts in the US got a big boost this week when a California judge ruled that the practice which originated in India is now a ''distinctly American cultural phenomenon,'' while dismissing complaints from some parents that teaching it to school children amounted to ''an...
  4. MST

    NDA(5yrs) constructed 50% of national highways laid in last 30 years:Center

    NEW DELHI: The UPA government on Monday admitted before the Supreme Court that the NDA regime, in five years, constructed nearly half the total length of national highways laid during the last 32 years. In an interesting affidavit filed before the apex court, the Centre said the length of...
  5. MST

    Tonight With Moeed Pirzada: China's PM visit to Pakistan

    He is asking the same question that I asked on a thread sometime ago and some trolls made fun of it. Anyways nice discussion and analysis. Here is another link for those who don't have youtube http://tune.pk/video/87792/TonightWithMoeedPirzada22May2013 Source
  6. MST

    India has never seemed as helplessly weak as now

    Hell has more definitions than heaven , possibly because more of us expect to end up there than in the other place. A cynic described hell as other people. Men of religion generally promise hellfire for the wicked, an image that rather contradicts the doctrine that the body is terminal and soul...
  7. MST

    Pervez Musharraf's nomination papers rejected for second time

    ISLAMABAD: Pervez Musharraf's nomination papers for a parliamentary constituency in Pakistan's port city of Karachi were rejected today, two days after his candidature was disallowed in another seat in Punjab province. Election officials rejected the former military ruler's papers for...
  8. MST

    Editors of two RSS weeklies lose jobs over pro-Modi stand

    NEW DELHI: Toeing an independent line on Nitin Gadkari issue and extending a premature welcome to Gujarat CM Narendra Modi has taken a toll on editors of two of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's (RSS) flagship publications Panchjanya (Hindi) and Organiser (English). Panchjanya editor Baldev Sharma...
  9. MST

    Madhya Pradesh topples Bihar, new No. 1 in economic growth

    NEW DELHI: BJP-ledMadhya Pradesh dislodges champion Bihar from its numerouno position in terms of highest growth of gross state domestic product. The provisional data released by the Central Statistical Organisation for 2012-13 for states shows Bihar's growth has slowed, slipping from an...
  10. MST

    Army Places Order for 114 Desi Bofors Gun

    NEW DELHI: The desi version of the original Swedish 155mm Bofors howitzers, which proved its worth by wreaking havoc against Pakistani intruders during the 1999 Kargil conflict, is now all set to plug huge operational gaps in the long-range, high-volume firepower of the Army. The defence...
  11. MST

    India headed for economic doom, prominent US thinktank says

    NEW DELHI: India is heading straight for economic failure post-Chidambaram's budget as a direct result of the lack of meaningful economic reform, says Heritage Foundation, an important conservative thinktank in the US. Assessing finance minister, P Chidambaram's budget, Derek Scissors of the...
  12. MST

    Why this 90% Muslim-majority town in Gujarat voted for Modi's BJP

    :woot: A report by NDTV. Talks to the people in the town to find out why they voted for BJP. Interesting.
  13. MST

    Narendra Modi pitches for 'vibrant India', positions himself for 2014 polls

    NEW DELHI: Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi made a powerful entry on the national centrestage by aggressively hawking his Gujarat model of development and governance as an alternative to the ruling coalition at the Centre, claiming his way would lift the despair enveloping the country and...
  14. MST

    Gujarat’s good show in urban projects puts UPA in a spot

    NEW DELHI: Gujarat's high rating in urban infrastructure development projects under the Centre's flagship JNNURM scheme seems to have become a new headache for the government at a time when UPA-2 would like to highlight its achievements before the next national polls. So far, a majority of...
  15. MST

    Viewpoint: India is in danger of losing its competitiveness

    By Amit Kapoor Honorary Chairman, Institute for Competitiveness, India Nations and regions across the world compete in offering the most productive and competitive environment for businesses. In simple terms, competitiveness of a nation or a region is about how it utilises its human, capital...
  16. MST

    Ready to probe 'gruesome' beheading, Pakistan high commissioner Salman Bash

    NEW DELHI: On a day when Pakistan foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar's offer for talks received lukewarm response here, Pakistan high commissioner Salman Bashir turned out be the real game-changer as he said that Islamabad was willing to address all Indian concerns over LoC, including its demand...
  17. MST

    Pentagon report cites 'lack of maturity' of Lockheed F-35 jet

    (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp's's new F-35 fighter jet has completed over a third of its planned flight tests, but it is still facing problems with the helmet needed to fly the plane, software development and weapons integration, according to a report by the Pentagon's chief weapons tester...
  18. MST

    Ex-IAF chief Tipnis blames Nehru for defeat in 1962 China war

    NEW DELHI: A former IAF Chief Air Chief Marshal (retd) A Y Tipnis has sought to blame former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru for India's defeat in the 1962 war with China, amid a continuing debate on why air power was not used during the conflict. Speaking at a seminar 'India and China: After...
  19. MST

    Iran builds advanced drone - news report

    DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran has built an advanced drone that can take off vertically and without a runway, Iranian media reported. Iran's military regularly announces defence and engineering developments, though some analysts are sceptical of the reliability of such reports. Abbas Jam, researcher...
  20. MST

    Jailed sculptor finds 3 angels on eve of Eid

    New DELHI: Rashid Ahmed (78) is not sure what's more affecting — celebrating Eid at home eight years late, or 18 months early. But the 78-year-old Bangladeshi sculptor, who spent eight years in jail for carrying fake currency, is certainly happy about riding the crest of a goodwill wave...
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