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    Using nano missiles

    instead of making large bombs, a new innovative german technology has emerged using a cluster of nano bombs that would not register on the enemy radar. means of propulsion: magnetic propulsion using the magnetic field to "throw" the nano bombs towards a target. the bombs cannot be fuel...
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    using ultrasound (greater than 200MHz) can cause serious damage to enemy troops. they cannot be heard by the human ear and yet they will still be so powerful that they can cause irregular heartbeats leading to arrythmia and other health problems in enemy soldiers.
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    Carbon Nanotubes

    Carbon nanotubes.. also called graphene in sheet form... are the basis of construction for the future. Tougher than diamond, more tensile strength than titanium... these things will redefine the world. I think carbon nanotube composite armor will be very effective against bullets.. even...
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    India's anti ballistic missile capabilities

    how to overcome india's anti-ballistic missile capabilities? simple.. its a numbers game... simply launch more missiles than they can counter. even with a success rate of 98%, the 2% that do pass thru.. will destroy all of india
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    If you want to truly defeat an enemy

    if you want to truly defeat an enemy.. you must cripple their treasuries.. no enemy can be defeated solely on military basis.. u must destroy their wealth also... that has always been the way in past wars. it is the true way
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    Rods from God

    has anyone heard of this? its a new space project by DARPA boys. very long rods dropped from a satellite in space... the gravitational acceleration would be so much that not even nuclear bunkers will be able to withstand them. watch in horror as mile long rods drop from the sky and...
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    Using radio waves to induce delta waves

    completely ground breaking technology! Using radio waves as a weapon to induce delta waves in enemy soldiers.. Delta waves are caused when the human brain sleeps and if they can be induced in soldiers, it will cause them to lose focus and experience hallucinations.
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    Tesla coils

    tesla coils and capacitors are great as electricity based weapons.. but the problem is that they cannot be directed without polarizing the target first.. wat do u think guys? using ion beams to produce an opposite charge on targets and then using mobile tesla coils to short circuit or...
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    Flame based weaponry

    Napalm, flamethrowers ... can pakistan improve its flame based weaponry as the ultimate anti-infantry weapons?
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    Can Pakistan make a railgun? have they started any project to manufacture those?
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