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  1. NoEscape

    Pak filmmakers up in arms against ban on Indian movies.

    Pak filmmakers up in arms against ban on Indian movies ISLAMABAD/LAHORE: Pakistani film distributors and some filmmakers are up in arms over the government's decision to bar the screening of Indian movies during the upcoming Eid festival, saying such protectionist measures cannot foster the...
  2. NoEscape

    India pips US in FDI hot spot race

    India pips US in FDI hot spot race New Delhi: India has replaced the US as the second most important foreign directive investment (FDI) destination for transnational corporations during 2010-2012, according to a survey conducted by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)...
  3. NoEscape

    US Hindu body condemns vandalism of mosques (Must read)

    US Hindu body condemns vandalism of mosques Washington, September 06: The Hindu American Foundation comprising mainly second generation Indian American Hindu professionals, including several physicians and lawyers- has condemned the increasing vandalism and protests against mosques across the...
  4. NoEscape

    School for pregnant teens set to open in Malaysia

    School for pregnant teens set to open in Malaysia MALAYSIAN state authorities will soon open a school exclusively for pregnant teenagers to help them overcome the stigma of having children without being married, an official said today. The school will be able to accept about 30 students...
  5. NoEscape

    Top Iran cleric rejects Holocaust as 'superstition'

    Top Iran cleric rejects Holocaust as 'superstition' Tehran: A senior Iranian cleric, Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi, dismissed the Nazi Holocaust of Jews during World War II as a new "superstition" for the West, media reported on Saturday. "The Holocaust is nothing but...
  6. NoEscape

    Counter culture? Few Pak youths giving up Islam

    Counter culture? Pak youths giving up Islam ISLAMABAD: A handful of Pakistani Muslim youths are beginning to question the existence of God and in the process giving up Islam to become atheists. Still a small number, the trend seems to be telling of pressures that the image of militant...
  7. NoEscape

    Match-fixing Scam: Pakistan speaks in two voices on tainted trio

    Pakistan speaks in two voices on tainted trio New Delhi: Pakistan is clearly speaking in two voices on the players at the centre of the match fixing scandal. While its UK envoy Wajid Shamsul Hasan insisted the three cricketers - Mohammad Amir. Mohammad Asif and Salman Butt - were innocent...
  8. NoEscape

    Uzbekistan bans public breaking of Ramzan fast

    Uzbekistan bans public breaking of Ramzan fast AFP, Sep 3, 2010, 04.44pm IST TASHKENT: Uzbekistan has banned the public breaking of the daily Ramadan fast, an Uzbek cleric said Friday, after local Islamic religious authorities condemned "lavish" celebrations by rich believers. A...
  9. NoEscape

    When Musharraf chose Palestine over Kashmir

    When Musharraf chose Palestine over Kashmir London: Former Prime Minister Tony Blair was stumped for words when Pervez Musharraf asked him to resolve the Palestine issue instead of Kashmir during his visit to Islamabad in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. In his just released memoirs...
  10. NoEscape

    International aid for Pakistan has stopped, says UN

    International aid for Pakistan has stopped, says UN WITH VAST areas of Pakistan still under water and no end in sight to the country’s misery, the United Nations said yesterday the flow of international aid had ground to a halt. Charities and UN agencies issued a fresh appeal for funding...
  11. NoEscape

    The Great Crawl of China part two: New traffic jam emerges stretching back 75 miles!!

    The Great Crawl of China part two: New traffic jam emerges stretching back 75 miles !!! China's road congestion problems were brought into sharp focus today when the latest mega traffic jam to grind its motorways to a halt tailed back a staggering 75 miles. More than 10,000 trucks mainly...
  12. NoEscape

    China, India become top exporters to UAE

    China, India become top exporters to UAE ABU DHABI, (Xinhua) -- China and India replaced long- standing Western suppliers of goods to the United Arab Emirates ( UAE) to become the dominant exporters to the Gulf nation, accounting for nearly a quarter of its total imports last year, the...
  13. NoEscape

    US reputation as a peace broker at stake

    US reputation as a peace broker at stake Obama must stand up to Israel and take the process forward or lose face * Gulf News Today, the first session of direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations will resume in Washington, despite the fact that the likelihood for success is very slim...
  14. NoEscape

    Delhi must take on larger role, says Afghan NSA

    Delhi must take on larger role, says Afghan NSA As part of a new political effort to reinforce the regional and international coalition against the return of the Taliban, Kabul is asking New Delhi to take on a larger role in the stabilisation of Afghanistan. “We would like to expand cooperation...
  15. NoEscape

    Pakistan is too difficult to rule

    Pakistan is too difficult to rule Pakistan is too difficult to rule The government is floundering, but fears of a military intervention seem unfounded at present * By Con Coughlin, Telegraph * Published: 00:04 August 31, 2010 * Gulf News The besieged government of...
  16. NoEscape

    Eating less meat is more Islamic

    Eating less meat is more Islamic For most of the billion-plus Muslims who sit down each evening to break their Ramadan fast, meat will be on the menu. Lots of it. But how Islamic is eating meat? Not very, according to Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, who argues that historically Muslims ate so little...
  17. NoEscape

    Islamist Relief Groups Barred

    Islamist Relief Groups Barred By REHMAT MEHSUD PESHAWAR, Pakistan—Pakistan moved to bar banned Islamist organizations from offering flood relief, a senior provincial government official said, an effort to close an ideological front in the battle to give aid to some six million homeless...
  18. NoEscape

    Pak Army seeking to topple govt: reports

    Pak Army seeking to topple govt: reports CNN-IBN Posted on Aug 21, 2010 at 10:35 | Updated Aug 21, 2010 at 10:39 Islamabad: The floods in Pakistan may have increased the chances of the army taking over from what is seen as an inept civilian government, claim Pakistani media. Reports...
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