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  1. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Taliban Justice In Action

    Shooting bullets unnecessarily into the air has the potential to kill innocents once the bullets land back down. This fighter was slapped for his misbehavior and I'm sure he will be reprimanded more off screen.
  2. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    When even Afghani Jinn don't want Americans in their country 🤣

    Not just the humans Not just the Taliban But even the Jinnaat of Afghanistan want the foreigners and their local puppets out of the country lol
  3. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Taliban Denounce gov.t Propaganda claims and video of alleged execution of Afghan soldiers

    If you look at the video of the alleged execution of the surrendering Afghan soldiers, notice the camera starts rigorously shaking just when the gun firing begins; you don't see any of the actual shooting. All you see at the end of the video is a blurred picture of a pile of dead "bodies". Even...
  4. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    60 Trump Supporters Loot, Vandalize Immigrant owned Business

    America is not safe for immigrant businesses with these racist Trump supporters attacking and looting immigrant stores. @Hamartia Antidote @LeGenD @KAL-EL
  5. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Crazy Man Pushes 5 Yr Old Boy off Balcony At Shopping Mall

    Smh these white supremacists are getting more aggresive @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @war&peace https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6924993/Complaint-Man-went-Mall-American-intending-kill.html Man who ‘threw five-year-old boy off a balcony in a brazen act of racism at Mall of America’ tells...
  6. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    When "Me Too" gets exposed for the BS it is

    - Female reporter gets kissed and groped on live TV by MMA fighter. - States she was humiliated and files "sexual assault" lawsuit against said MMA fighter. - Is seen on video with same MMA fighter giving a lap dance to his friend after the live kiss/groping incident...
  7. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Imran Khan & The Future of Pakistan-India Relations

    With the recent approval of giving overseas Indians easy access to Pakistani visa, along with other India-friendly policy initiatives recently taken by current PTI administration I think this is an excellent direction that Imran Khan and PTI are taking Pakistan in. Hopefully the next step will...
  8. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Haiti Riots: Hundreds Wounded, Cannibalism, as President Refuses to Step Down

    Hundreds Wounded In Riots as locals Tired of Corruption resort to Cannibalism, Looting A general strike shut down most of Haiti Wednesday as tension and uncertainty gripped the Caribbean country following deadly protests over the weekend and the president's unexplained absence from public...
  9. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Black Woman Punched in Face by Racist Store Owner

    By now it is no secret that minorities in America are living under the boots of White supremacism and Nazis. This poor defenseless African woman was attacked by this White supremacist :angry...
  10. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Latest Deadly Ebola Outbreak in Central Africa linked to Cannibalism

    Cannibalism Likely Cause of Latest Ebola Outbreak in Central Africa From Associated Press: The number of confirmed cases in Congo’s new outbreak of the Ebola virus has risen to 13, including three deaths, the health ministry said late Saturday. The World Health Organization has warned that...
  11. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Hungary’s first Black MP aims to 'destroy prejudice'

    Hungary’s first Black MP aims to 'destroy prejudice' Olivio Kocsis-Cake: Fidesz always finds an enemy who must be hated because of their Black skin Hungary has a reputation for anti-immigration politics, but a young Black Liberal MP wants to revamp the country's image. Olivio Kocsis-Cake...
  12. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Black Pastor Racially Profiled, Called Ni**er by Police Officer

    This is insane!! For how much longer will Black's continue to suffer under White supremacy in Trump's America?? Maybe Pakistan or another Muslim country can offer Black Americans citizenship? Either way I think Black's have suffered enough in America which is the most dangerous country for...
  13. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Racist Airline Crew Attacks Female Black Passenger, #TrumpsAmerica

    This is scary. Thank God we Pakistanis have PIA. Otherwise we'd have to constantly be dealing with these racist white Nazis and supremacists America is dangerous for non-Whites...
  14. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Racist Texas Couple Hold Black Slave, #TrumpsAmerica

    This is very scary. Pakistanis should avoid going to America because Trump has empowered White supremacists Racist Texas Couple Hold African Girl As Slave For 16 Years By Lucia I. Suarez Sang A Texas couple allegedly kept a West African child as a slave for nearly 16 years, forcing her to...
  15. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    "Heil Hitler" Message Posted On Hacked Road Sign, #TrumpsAmerica

    America is land of racists and White supremacists under Trump. Minorities are in danger. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/04/28/hacked-electronic-road-sign-reads-hail-hitler-arizona/561089002/ VICTOR REN | THE ARIZONA REPUBLIC 10:17 a.m. EDT Apr. 28, 2018 An electronic...
  16. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    A characterless Girl Sells Virginity for One Million Pounds

    https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5902426/british-woman-sold-virginity-jasmin-1-million-cinderella-escorts/ A BRITISH student claims to have sold her virginity online for £1million to a “Hollywood actor” following a fierce online bidding war. She made the sale to the Los Angeles native who outbid...
  17. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    US Councilman Mocks The Holocaust, 6 Million Jews

    Wow America is so racist that even their Black politicians are Nazis. Must be a criteria for Black's to be accepted in political office. DC Councilman Mocks 6 Million Jew Victims, Blames Jews for Bad Weather A DC councilman who sparked outrage with his anti-Semitic comments about Jews...
  18. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Racist Police Shoots Innocent Black Man #TrumpsAmerica

    Yet again another innocent Black male targeted and shot because of his skin color. USA is the new Nazi Germany. :angry::angry: @Dalit @EgyptianAmerican @SALMAN F @Hamartia Antidote @Falcon29
  19. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Muslim Man Attacked, Beaten Bloody In Trump's America

    Had a group of Pakistani or Arabs done this it would be all over the news. It would automatically be blamed on "Islamic terrorism" when their is no evidence to prove that. But when these animals attack Muslims it is never considered a racially motivated hate crime. Trump's White supremacism is...
  20. Hassan_Ishtiaq

    Egyptian Muslim Girl Killed After Racially Motivated Attack

    Egyptian student Attacked in U.K. Dies of Wounds http://www.egypttoday.com/Article/1/45250/Egyptian-student-attacked-in-U-K-dies-of-wounds By: Egypt Today staff Wed, Mar. 14, 2018 CAIRO - 14 March 2018: Mariam Moustafa Abdel Salam, the Egyptian student attacked in Nottingham, U.K., died on...
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