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  1. K

    "India Rejects U.S. Bids for Big Order of Fighter Jets"

    http://www.nytimes.com/2011/04/29/business/global/29india.html political undertone? or Inferior product to the Europeans?
  2. K

    How come India is not in the G8?

    G8 are the richest democratic nations in the world yet India is not invited to be apart of this group? Italy is there and India isn't? what's going on?
  3. K

    Where does the Taliban get its weapons?

    Anybody with any insights? Some stuff on the net says they got weapons leftover from afghan/ussr war courtesy of uncle sam. wouldnt these weapon be outdated and run out by now? where's their funding coming from saudi arabia, heroine? seiously how can you fight the biggest and baddest...
  4. K

    Japan's nuclear capacity

    Will NK or China push Japan to go nuclear? It is still somewhat of a taboo to mention nukes in Japan, but with NK provocation and the rise of China, will Japan ever go nukes? Not too many people realize Japanese nuclear capacity. It might surprise you that Japan can match the US...
  5. K

    Relations between Indians and Chinese living in the West

    I grew up in Canada and the US, had friends from all over the world. Many Indians and Chinese friends. My observations over the years of school and surrounding in general is that Chinese and Indians get along great. For some reason when I go on the net it is a whole different story...
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