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  1. N

    Why is sectarianism allowed here?

    Speaking about Hamas and the current war I posted the following analysis, my geopolitical opinion, an opinion which has nothing to do with religion or race: Then this punk (Falcon29) posts this garbage about some sectarianism bullshit, mind you he doesn’t know who I am or what my religious...
  2. N

    10 Middle East predictions by year 2030

    1. Iran deploys nuclear ICBMs and has approximately 50 nuclear warheads. The Iranian axis is strengthened in Syria and Yemen. 2. Turkey exits NATO and pursues pockets of influences in the ME working along Russia and sometimes the Iranians. 3. Sisi is forced to resign in the year 2027 by an...
  3. N

    The Great War of 2022

    PART I : It's 0700 on Sunday January 23rd of 2022. The skies are blue without a single cloud over the Persian gulf. An armed Iranian F-4 makes a close pass to a US naval destroyer that was entering the Gulf of Oman but is quickly warned off. The Iranians repeat the same maneuver later that...
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