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  1. DaRk WaVe

    The murder of history in Pakistan

    Just wanted to start this thread and let people know about a great book by K.K.Aziz plus Kill the myths and absurd false glorification of Pakistan's miserable historical moments and the way our Text books have been systematically distorted. Myths, fables and lies: The murder of history in...
  2. DaRk WaVe

    Let the Taliban rule Karachi

    Let the Taliban rule Karachi There are numerous Pakistanis who are convinced that the Taliban rule in Afghanistan was the best that the country had ever seen. They say that there was peace in Afghanistan and people could travel wherever they wanted to inside it, that there was no theft, no...
  3. DaRk WaVe

    Pakistan must confront Wahhabism

    The Dimension of WoT that gets ignored Pakistan must confront Wahhabism Despite the recent offensive by the Pakistani army in the Swat Valley and by Nato in Helmand province, the "Talibanisation" of both Afghanistan and Pakistan proceeds apace. Vast parts of the Afghan south and a large region...
  4. DaRk WaVe

    Taseer funeral prayer leader forced to flee from Pakistan

    lets all flee this country & leave it for Qadri's & Liaquats Taseer funeral prayer leader forced to flee from Pakistan – The Express Tribune LAHORE: The cleric who led the funeral prayers for the late Governor Punjab, Salmaan Taseer has been forced to flee the country following...
  5. DaRk WaVe

    Muslim narcissism feeding terrorism

    Book launching: Muslim narcissism feeding terrorism – The Express Tribune ISLAMABAD: The narcissism of the Muslim civilization is the central theme of Dr Mubarak Haider’s book Tehzibi Nargisyat which was launched here at the SAFMA Media Centre on Monday evening amidst heated discussion...
  6. DaRk WaVe

    Pakistan, India amongst top 5 most dangerous countries for women.

    Mods plz amend the thread header Pakistan ranks 3rd on list of most dangerous countries for women – The Express Tribune LONDON: Afghanistan, Congo and Pakistan are the world’s most dangerous countries for women due to a barrage of threats ranging from violence and rape to dismal...
  7. DaRk WaVe

    JUI-S urges SC to ban Bible within 30 days

    JUI-S urges SC to ban Bible within 30 days – The Express Tribune KARACHI: The Samiul Haq faction of the Jamiat-e-Ulema Islam party (JUI-S) publicly demanded a ban on the Bible, and has set a 30-day deadline for the Supreme Court to take action. Talking to The Express Tribune, JUI-S...
  8. DaRk WaVe

    'Wear a headscarf or we will kill you': 'London Taliban'

    Welcome to Afghanistan, oopss thats London 'London Taliban' is targeting women and gays in bid to impose sharia law | Mail Online Women who do not wear headscarves are being threatened with violence and even death by Islamic extremists intent on imposing sharia law on parts of Britain, it was...
  9. DaRk WaVe

    Fasad fil arz and fasad

    Fasad fil arz and fasad – The Express Tribune I have to admit I feel amused when I see the PTI, Jamiat and a whole lot of others in the media, try to avoid the suggestion that they are actually protesting the use of Sharia in the case of Raymond Davis’s release. After all, they can’t...
  10. DaRk WaVe

    Quran burnt in Florida church

    Quran burnt in Florida church GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA: A controversial US evangelical preacher on Sunday oversaw the burning of a copy of the Quran in a small Florida church after finding the Muslim holy book “guilty” of crimes. The burning was carried out by pastor Wayne Sapp under the...
  11. DaRk WaVe

    Namoos-i-Risalat: Protesters set their sights on Valentine’s Day

    Funny as hell but hey thats what these people do, interfere & get interested in what others are doing to enforce their beliefs on others. & here's a good suggestion for them from comment section Namoos-i-Risalat: Protesters set their sights on Valentine’s Day LAHORE: The Tahaffuz...
  12. DaRk WaVe

    The myth of ideological frontiers

    The myth of ideological frontiers Pakistan is a legal nation state, one of the two successor states to erstwhile British India and duly recognised by all countries of the world. A legal nation state does not need to construct ideological frontiers, which, for the most part, are a fallacy and...
  13. DaRk WaVe

    Reducing the Role of Political Islam

    Reducing the Role of Political Islam It is easy, to debate a taboo, once it has been shattered. The de-mystification of Islam is necessary in Pakistan and what needs to be argued; to counter the misuse of Islam in Pakistan is not to parse and quibble over interpretations, but to frame the...
  14. DaRk WaVe

    Police arrest 2 men planning to kill doctors, Shias

    Police arrest 2 men planning to kill doctors, Shias KARACHI: The police have arrested two men on suspicion of being involved in the killings of doctors and Shia scholars. One of them is a repeat offender out on bail from jail. In his first press conference since assuming office, chief of...
  15. DaRk WaVe

    Honour Killings : The crimewave that shames the world

    The crimewave that shames the world It is a tragedy, a horror, a crime against humanity. The details of the murders – of the women beheaded, burned to death, stoned to death, stabbed, electrocuted, strangled and buried alive for the "honour" of their families – are as barbaric as they are...
  16. DaRk WaVe

    Seriously schizophrenic

    Seriously schizophrenic This is a seriously schizophrenic nation. At the bottom of the mixed up heap we have the religioso militants of the northern parts who continue on their deadly way, killing at will in Wana, Parachinar and Adamkhel, blowing themselves up and as many fellow citizens as...
  17. DaRk WaVe

    Rs550b loss, 60 years lost

    Rs550b loss, 60 years lost KARACHI: The floods have not completely left our soil, yet the authorities estimate that Sindh has already suffered losses worth Rs550 billion. “I can say that the infrastructure, which was laid down in the past 60 years, has been destroyed,” admitted Adviser to...
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