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  1. chalakie

    Sadam and his Death sentence...

    umm...this website has got me hooked 2 it...and has actually broaden the way i think about issues...so herez another current issue and that is regarding Saddam(mods i didn't know where 2 start this thread so i just started it here..:D ) ...Is his being 'awarded' with a death sentence actually...
  2. chalakie

    Vote 'No'

    Dear friends An Australian newspaper plans to publish a new cartoon series of Prophet Mohamed (Peace Be Upon Him). But before sending these cartoons to Publication Department they have asked people for referendum at their website. So, please help to stop hate between people and religions and...
  3. chalakie

    English Word Chain

    :yahoo: :yahoo: Assalam-o-Alaikum friendz:army: Herez a new game I'm starting... All you have to do is sumbit a word from the letter that ends the previous word... Like for e.g. army Next person> youth the next>>> height annnnd so ooooonnn Let's start...Hope u guyz enjoy!!:banana2...
  4. chalakie

    Army Poem

    Guyz v always appreciate our soldierz but not their families/wives who have the heart to spare them for the Nation... So herez a poem to salute 2 them:army: Battle Alone This is a hard battle A really tough fight First thing in the morning Late into the night...
  5. chalakie

    Army Personalities

    Assalam-o-Alaikum friendz!:coffee: I'm going to start a li'l game regarding army personalities...:army: personalities whom u'd actually like to 'Salute'... It's simple ... All u have 2 do is name your favourite army personality...:) could be even ur father:)if hez in army:) LEt's...
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