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  1. C130

    Does the U.S need a Fighter-Bomber??

    when the U.S retired the F-111 and F-14 we lost a lot of our long range fighter capability besides the F-15E, so wouldn't it beeasy to develop and build a fighter bomber to take advantage of lesson learned from the F-35, and put that knowledge into a better air frame for long range? I'm...
  2. C130

    Queen Bee 98

    https://21stcenturyasianarmsrace.com/2016/03/25/an-introduction-to-the-pf-98-anti-tank-rocket-launcher/ why isn't this weapon system more popular? deadly,accurate,decent range 300-500 meters to 1.8KM, and cheap compared to ATGM.
  3. C130

    name one military program or purchase you hate, your government has made

    For the U.S. I would have to say the Littoral Combat Ship. This program has been one yuuuuuuuuge clusterf**** underwhelming performance especially regarding surface warfare, and they cost nearly $500 million each. compare LCS to a frigate, and you'll see why the LCS is total garbage...
  4. C130

    Just How Effective Is VBIEDs Against Armor

    watching this clip and I'm just wondering just how effective these VBIEDs are against armor. looks like most of the targets are up-armored humvees,MRAPs, and M1 Abrams. first off the VBIED. what is normally used for the explosive??? and how much? seems like most of the energy is going up and...
  5. C130


    any one play or watch game play of Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations. It's like the best realistic combat scenario available.
  6. C130

    Can anyone compete with SpaceX?

    With the launch of NROL-76 it signifies the end of ULA monopoly on U.S military launches. I doubt SpaceX will be launching those billion dollar KH-11 spy sats anytime soon. so how is state run space companies to compete against SpaceX?? Ariane 5 can't compete Ariane 6 cuts cost in half, still...
  7. C130

    Turkey,Iraq,KSA, need A-10 Thunderbolts

    these three countries need A-10s bad. The U.S wants to scrap them so why not sell a portion of them to it's allies?? so why not sell 108 of them?? each country get's 36 enough for 3 squadrons. it's such a cost effective plane, and it has a high survival against manpads and AAA.
  8. C130

    The Sign Of Chinese Prosperity Is........

    Pollution :devil: http://berkeleyearth.lbl.gov/air-quality/map.php http://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-pollution-idUSKBN14909M
  9. C130

    Guided Bombs Potential For Anti Ship Warfare

    so I was reading up on Operation Resultant Fury http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/resultant-fury.htm which conducted tests using the B-1 and B-52 hitting ships with laser guided bombs. now I don't this would be very practical since the very short range of a air dropped bomb and having...
  10. C130

    President Trump First Action Should Be

    is to pardon Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, and Julian Assange. not only would that be a big FU to the establishment, but it would also get him some brownie points with the lefties. he should also announce the end of mass spying on U.S citizens and on our allies. this would be huge, and...
  11. C130

    Pakistan Needs J-20 If It Wants To Stand A Chance

    Pakistan is falling further and further behind against India for Air Superiority let alone Air Parity. It's only chance is to buy at least 36 J-20. each J-20 will command & control 4 to 6 JF-17 blk 3, the J-20 will fly ahead and use it's stealth/sensors to find targets and relay this...
  12. C130

    OV-10+KA-52 Hybrid

    I believe this would be the perfect COIN aircraft to fight terrorism. so you take the proven air frame of the OV-10 Bronco and add the KA-52 sensors/weapons to it my thinking behind this is the OV-10 Bronco is faster and has more range than the KA-52, and the KA-52 weapon systems are cheaper...
  13. C130

    Practicality Of Turning a Howitzer Shell Into A Guided Bomb

    I was thinking would it be practical to take the body of a howitzer shell, let's say a M795 and turn into a mini JDAM. would this even merit to try?? what would you think the cost would be to make the kits, and what weapons already fill this roll of mini JDAM?? the small diameter bomb comes...
  14. C130

    Washington Should Encourage The Philippines To Go Its Own Way With China

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/doug-bandow/washington-should-encoura_b_12429926.html not a fan of huffpost, but this article really hits the nail on the head. if Duterte really wants to break military ties with the U.S then so be it. we should just walk away and let them negotiate with China...
  15. C130

    The Beast: BMD Multi-Role Ship (LPD derivative)

    http://www.janes.com/article/60489/navy-league-2016-huntington-ingalls-industries-notes-increasing-interest-in-bmd-ship-concept we need to buy at least 8 of these, more fire power than a Kirov. radar 1000x more sensitive than SPY-1D 288 VLS tubes a load out could look like this BMD= 72...
  16. C130

    What is Kashmir Worth to Pakistan?

    What would Pakistan be willing pay to have India controlled Kashmir and Jammu??? everything has it's price. IMO India should just sell it to Pakistan before war breaks out. The demographics alone are favoring Muslims over Hindus,Buddhists, and others. How about $100 billion dollars?? paid...
  17. C130

    Severodvinsk-class submarine

    I can't help but think the Russia direction of Severodvinsk is the future of submarine warfare with it's large cruise missiles. Either 32 P-800 Onixs or 40 Kalbr missiles compared to the Virginia class which is more quiet and advance, it just doesn't pack the same bang for buck for...
  18. C130

    How To Fix The U.S And Its Image Abroad

    I believe it would be a pretty simple to fix the U.S and it's image abroad firstly. we aren't the world police, so we need to stop spending money like we are!! U.S should limit it's defense spending to 2% of it's GDP so around $350 billion U.S should limit it's military bases across the world...
  19. C130

    If You Could Ask President Obama One Question

    Since his second and last term is coming up, I was just thinking if you could ask him one question what would it be?? for me, my question is. Mr President you recieved the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, after 8 years of your leadership do you still believe you deserve that Nobel Prize.
  20. C130

    F-15S/MTD could it have been a subsititue for F-22?

    since the F-22 production stopped in 2012. and with only 187 birds (not enough to deal with Russia/China in the future) wouldn't it have been wise to look at other options?? something like the F-15 silent eagle?? that alone wouldn't get the military interested, but add om some features from the...
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