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  1. TheThreePashas

    End of Pakistani Interest in the T-129?

    Here's an article from a pretty reputable source suggesting that Pakistan inked a deal for Mi-35's I guess this article/post is more about Pakistani defense than Turkish defense but, Pakistani members especially, does anyone have an idea of what happened here? Not that it was a sure sell at all...
  2. TheThreePashas

    Turkey to withdraw troops from Lebanon

    EDIT: Is there a reason I can't post the link without it going ******** it's on Defence Talk's website for anyone really curious
  3. TheThreePashas

    Where does the Egyptian military get its credibility from?

    In all the talk about the military coup in Egypt, I've always been wondering something. Why do Egyptians hold the military in such high regard? Through all the media coverage its been like those idiots on the street are like, "Yes! Yes! Bring in our brothers in the military! Our glorious...
  4. TheThreePashas

    Saudi Arabia offers to buy Russian arms to stop Russian support to Syria

    LINK -T-90, Mi-17, Mi-35, and BMP-3, good weapons for the KSA? -If this deal were to go through, would this mean the end of the movement to purchase Altays and T-129s from Turkey? @Yzd Khalifa
  5. TheThreePashas

    DHKP-C Sending Weapons Into Turkey From Greece

    LINK to Reuters Article Greeks arming groups in Turkey?? (EDIT: like atatwolf pointed out, I don't mean the Greek government) Hmm... Seems like a good excuse to bomb Greece!
  6. TheThreePashas

    Why Turkey needs a better opposition

    Interesting article I found on Al Jazeera. Thought I'd post it considering we had a discussion about alternatives to Erdoğan recently. LINK
  7. TheThreePashas

    Is a civil war possible in Egypt? Thoughts please.

    I'm not that familiar with Egyptian politics. Many people came out and said that there would not be a civil war say in, Turkey when the protests happening because obviously thats not close to happening in Turkey. Nobody is ruling that out in Egypt though unfortunately and that's what scares me...
  8. TheThreePashas

    Turkey sidelined in Syria?

    Are we watching Turkey being sidelined in Syria's future? Turkey hasn't really commented much on the new US decision to arm the rebels nor have they lent any support to the No-Fly Zone idea being floated around. And to make matters more interesting, all US plans for a NFZ right now are going...
  9. TheThreePashas

    Why don't/can't Arab nations intervene in Syria?

    Arab forum members, tell me something. Syria's military right now is in much worse shape than most of the top spending Arab militaries. Naval theater is non-existant. There's a ton of rebels on the ground plus allied arab troops. The saudi airforce alone is miles ahead of Syria's. What's...
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