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  1. Stardust

    409 Srebrenican victims buried Thursday after 18 years

    POTOCARI/SREBRENİCA/ANKARA (AA) - Funeral prayer and burial ceremony of 409 victims of Srebrenica massacre took place on Thursday, 18 years after the genocide. The commemoration of the 18th year of the genocide in which 409 victims were buried started by playing the national anthem of...
  2. Stardust

    Common Scientific Researchs Institute of Islamic Countries

    It is just my dream and according to me we can do it.We have everything we need,especially educated bright brains..Turkey,Iran,KSA,Malaysia and Pakistan can pioneer on this project at first and others will join it later,i am sure.First of all we can start at medical sciences,then other...
  3. Stardust

    Support from other nations to Erdogan

    ********.com - Support from other nations to Erdogan Malezya'dan Türkiye'ye destek mitingi foto galerisi 1 - 14 Haziran 2013 Cuma
  4. Stardust

    The new energy game with new actors

    MURAT YETK MURAT YETKİN > The new energy game with new actors It is true that the activation of shale gas resources by the United States (and Canada) has already started to change the rules of the global energy game. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals have already become too...
  5. Stardust

    The first Turkish made motor: HBO Motor (the most productive motor )

    Hasan Basri Özdamar (HBO) is a mechanical engineer who created this motor and he is trying to improve it for along time in Kayseri/TURKEY...The new and revolutionary motor's name is HBO motor which has got a single cylinder(i don't know volume of it) and supplies %43,5 fuel economy,inreasing...
  6. Stardust

    Why can't we see Malaysia's Proton in Turkey strongly?

    Is there any problem between two countries?I would like to see Proton's advertisement in every where but there is not..They make good cars but nobody knows it in Turkey.Turkey is huge market for automotive sector but Proton can not see it.I don't want to give my money to the westerns or japans...
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