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  1. R

    Origins of our Caste System: Hindu Jaat or Arab Kafa'a?

    It has often been said that the Caste System (or Racism, Tribalism, Casteism, Classism) in Pakistan is merely a left-over from the Hindu past and that having separated from Hindu-India, Pakistan will very soon eliminate all this to become a truly egalitarion Islamic Society. But it this true...
  2. R

    PDF Poll: What is the Foundational Narrative for Pakistan?

    What is the Foundational Narrative for Pakistan? I think all of us as Pakistanis need to get together and work out a common foundational story. This forum would be an excellent place to start this debate to see if we can arrive at some consensus. I have no personal preference. I will go with...
  3. R

    Our Women Politicians v/s India's Women Politicians

    Comparing Pakistani & Indian Women Politicians in 2012 Our Women Politicians are taller, fairer, much better looking and exquisitely dressed, because they come from excellent families with pedigreed lineage-- BBC News - Will Pakistan's first woman foreign minister make a difference? Does...
  4. R

    Qarardad-e-Maqasid: Similarities & Differences between Pakistan and Israel

    Comparing the foundational ideas of Pakistan & Israel Israel was created as a homeland for the persecuted Jews of the world. It was argued that being a minority in all countries of the world, the Jews had been reduced to second-class status in political, economic, cultural and social matters...
  5. R

    Recording Pogroms Against Religious Minorities in India

    Sikhs Remember Victims of 1984 Massacre Indira's Sikh assassins met swift justice, but the murderers of 3,870 innocent Sikhs still roam free more than a quarter of a century later. In reaction to the Sikh killings in Delhi and other places, Indira's successor and son Prime Minister Rajiv...
  6. R

    Jailing of Dr. Shakil Afridi -- America's Double-Standards

    The US Congress and the Obama administration are incensed by the 33-year prison term handed to Dr. Shakil Afridi accused by Pakistan of spying for the CIA. In their usual response, the lawmakers in Washington have voted to cut aid to Pakistan for the umpteenth time and some in Congress are...
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