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  1. Apóllōn

    Curiosity spots 'UFOs' zooming across Mars

    London: NASA's Curiosity rover has captured a strange white light dancing across the horizon of Mars and four blobs hovering in the sky, which UFO hunters claim are alien ships monitoring humans' baby steps into the universe. While the images are certainly a curiosity, NASA and photography...
  2. Apóllōn

    From Russia With Love? China vs. India Carrier Showdown

    There’s a pronounced aerial component to Asia’s march to the seas. The Indian Navy’s newest aircraft carrier, the soon-to-be-commissioned INS Vikramaditya, recently took to the Barents Sea for its second shakedown cruise. After putting the ship through its paces, the Russian...
  3. Apóllōn

    Piranha attacks man in China

    Piranha attacks man in China - Telegraph
  4. Apóllōn

    Militants flee Pakistan after cross-border attack

    Militants flee Pakistan after cross-border attack - Asia news
  5. Apóllōn

    Moderate Taliban want peace, US says

    KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Moderate Taliban figures have expressed interest in the fragile peace process, the outgoing U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan said Thursday, referring to a deal that appears even more elusive with this summer's rash of suicide attacks and bombings. Ryan Crocker, who is...
  6. Apóllōn

    Saudi's Olympic opening to women 'small step'

    Saudi's Olympic opening to women 'small step' - World news
  7. Apóllōn

    Government puts army on standby for Olympics

    LONDON (Reuters) - The government has put extra soldiers on standby to provide security for the London Olympics following concerns the private contractor G4S would not train enough guards in time for this month's Games. Some 23,700 security guards will protect the Olympic venues as part of...
  8. Apóllōn

    US, China square off over South China Sea

    US, China square off over South China Sea - World news
  9. Apóllōn

    China Wants Sea Spat Off Asean Agenda as Clinton Urges Talks

  10. Apóllōn

    China warns ASEAN on South China Sea row

    Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
  11. Apóllōn

    Asian Cuisine

    Pakistani Food Biriyani Tikka Kabab Nihari Kulcha Neza Kabab Murgh Musallam Chapli Kabab
  12. Apóllōn

    Buddhist relics worth millions seized in Pakistan

    ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistani police seized a large number of ancient Buddhist sculptures that smugglers were attempting to spirit out of the country and sell for millions of dollars on the international antiquities market, officials said Saturday. The stash included many sculptures of...
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