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  1. drink_milk

    where is Turkic defence section?

    Hi, There are seven Turkic states in the world, they are Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkish republic of north cyprus, Kazakhsta, Turkemenista, Uzbekistan and Krgyzstan. However, there is just one section here, please change it with Turkic section or open a new one. that would be more apporpriate...
  2. drink_milk

    Making joke has a due time here?

    Hi, i had written a joke, the content of it was to suggest a movie to a member, and the sentence was: i wish Zulkarneyn(the member) would watch the movie of ''zübük''. the movie is a comedy in turkish, here is a link about it: Zübük (1980) - IMDb My all messages that contain the same joke...
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