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  1. ghauri05

    Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

    Indian media is showing, AIM-120 C shell, as a proof that Pak used F16 and it was showed down by Mig21. They are also claiming that, DG ISPR, said that they had 2 pilots earlier...1 was in CMH...India is claiming that the pilot sent to CMH was actually a PAF pilot. Any thoughts on this?
  2. ghauri05

    A Kargil on Pakistan Possible?

    Since india is creating hype and invigorating warmongering after Pulwana incident, many possible strategies are being formed in india. Mainly considering the options of air strike, artillary/rocket fire or similar fake surgical drama as india did it last time. As india has to show something this...
  3. ghauri05

    2 Questions about Pakistan's future Nuclear Deployments

    I was listening to this Indian Admiral Mr. Vijay Shankar , discussing the challenges to Indian nuclear doctrine. Most of his views were obsessed about Pakistan in the same way as any indian members i have heard on this forum. But in his discussion he rose 2 points about our future sea based...
  4. ghauri05

    RADARs and SONARS made by Pakistan

    I want to know about the radars and sonar systems made by Pakistan....and which type of these systems are in Pakistan use now. As we need to have AESA radar for JF-17 in future....is Pakistan able to do that on it's own? As India is making its own AWACs....Can Pakistan build those in near...
  5. ghauri05

    Can West Capture Pakistani Nukes using Same Strategy as for Syrian Weapons

    If we look on Syrian crisis, we can conclude that USA/West has achieved what they wanted and without firing a single Missile.Let's Just review the whole scenario and try to understand that can this strategy be used against PAKISTANI NUKES!!!! A fight is provoked between Syrian government and...
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