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  1. auspice

    Biden says US will defend the Philippines if China attacks

    https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-67224782 BBC News US President Joe Biden has warned China that the US will defend the Philippines in case of any attack in the disputed South China Sea. The comments come days after two collisions between Filipino and Chinese vessels in the contested...
  2. auspice

    US military in talks to develop port in northern Philippines facing Taiwan

    https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/us-military-in-talks-to-develop-port-in-philippines-facing-taiwan UPDATED 3 HOURS AGO MANILA – The US military is in talks to develop a civilian port in the remote northernmost islands of the Philippines, the local governor and two other officials have...
  3. auspice

    Australian, US, Filipino forces practice retaking an island in a drill along the South China Sea

    August 26, 2023 MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Australian and Filipino forces, backed by U.S. Marines, practiced retaking an island seized by hostile forces in a large military drill Friday on the northwestern Philippine coast facing the disputed South China Sea. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and...
  4. auspice

    World War in Asia?

    With the Asia Pivot, the US wants to encircle China, and supplies old and new allies with missiles aimed at its main rival. An amped up arms race means cash flow for the world's biggest death dealer. If all these Asian nations buy as many American fighter planes as Taiwan, US armament workers...
  5. auspice

    What kind of global power will China be?

    As the new year begins, we still find a troubled world afflicted by crises—recession, climate change, disasters, unrestrained militarization and nuclear proliferation, food shortage, worsening poverty and social inequality, terrorism, wars and rebellions. The urgency of the international...
  6. auspice


    Philippines Backs Rearming of Japan The Philippines would strongly support a rearmed Japan shorn of its pacifist constitution as a counterweight to the growing military assertiveness of China, according to the Philippine foreign minister. "We would welcome that very much," Albert del...
  7. auspice

    Why is China behaving like a bully?

    By Andy H. Hagad Bottom Line Monday, December 10, 2012 THE question has been asked by media and political observers, noting the apparently-uncharacteristic behaviour of China against its Asian and Asean neighbours Japan, India, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines, all of...
  8. auspice

    Canada to help Philippine defense revamp

    Canada will help the Philippines modernize its defense structure in a deal that includes guarantees for Manila's purchase of Canadian military and security hardware and expertise. Published: Nov. 12, 2012 at 4:06 PM OTTAWA, Nov. 12 (UPI) -- Canada will help the Philippines modernize its...
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