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    China 'has stake' in euro crisis

    China has a stake in helping euro zone countries get through their debt crisis, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao said in comments published today, pointing to Europe's importance as a market and hinting at more possible support for beleaguered exporters. Mr Wen's remarks, reported by the official...
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    8,000 ‘Stability Maintenance’ Officers to Be Recruited in China’s Xinjiang

    This is most definitely going to lead to massacre of Muslim Uyghur population. This why they veto the Syrian call to simply ask that Assad stops. They have no moral standing to do otherwise.
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    Chinese Ambassador to UK: China Not a Communist Country

    One would expect that if an overseas emissary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) were asked if he were a communist, the answer would be simple and rather clear: Of course I am. Liu Xiaoming, the CCP’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, made things more complicated recently. When asked, “Are...
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    US accuses China of instigating plot

    SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Federal authorities successfully kept a U.S. businessman in jail on Wednesday ahead of his trial on charges relating to trade secret theft, and argued that it was Chinese government representatives who directed him to obtain valuable technology manufactured by chemical...
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    Tumultuous Year Ahead for Chinese Regime

    Between 5,000 to 10,000 workers at the state-run Pangang Group Chengdu Steel & Vanadium Company in Chengdu City of Sichuan Province went on a three-day strike on Jan 4, 2012 over low wages and year-end bonuses. A wave of large-scale strikes and protests in China during the first week of 2012...
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    China To Close Tibet During Tibetan New Year Festival

    BEIJING -- For a fifth straight year, China plans to close Tibet to foreign travelers during a sensitive period starting in mid-February, travel agents said Thursday. Agent Yu Zhi of the Lhasa Youth Tourist Agency said Thursday the government's tourist administration in Tibet's capital had...
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    China's Wen defends Iran oil, warns on nuclear aims

    * Defends business dealings with Iran during Middle East visit * But warns Tehran against any move to acquire nuclear weapons (Adds Chinese foreign ministry comment) By Chris Buckley BEIJING, Jan 19 (Reuters) - Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao defended his country's extensive oil imports from Iran...
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    Again! Iranian fishermen saved by US navy

    For the third time this month, the U.S. Navy has come to the aid of Iranian fishermen. On Wednesday, the guided-missile destroyer USS Dewey came the the rescue of a sinking Iranian fishing dhow, the Al Mamsoor, after an MH-60R Seahawk helicopter spotted it in the Arabian Sea early Wednesday...
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    China's state -run media calls US troublemaker

    In response to the Obama administration announcing a new military strategy that focuses on the Asia-Pacific region, China’s official media sounded a warning note for Washington D.C. China’s official News Agency, Xinhua, published a commentary on Jan. 6 entitled, “It Is the ‘Option’ that the...
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    Peking University Professor Says China Reform a Dead End

    A professor at Peking University, one of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in China, has gone out on a limb in recent remarks in Taiwan, denouncing the Chinese communist political system and saying that he and his colleagues have given up hope in the Communist Party. Dr. Xia...
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    X-37B spaceplane 'spying on China'

    America's classified X-37B spaceplane is probably spying on China, according to a report in Spaceflight magazine. The unpiloted vehicle was launched into orbit by the US Air Force in March last year and has yet to return to Earth. The Pentagon has steadfastly refused to discuss its mission...
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    Chinese Spying Devices Installed on Hong Kong

    Chines spying devices installed on hong kong cars For years now, Chinese authorities have been installing spying devices on all dual-plate Chinese-Hong Kong vehicles, enabling a vast network of eavesdropping across the archipelago, according to a Hong Kong newspaper. The report in Apple Daily...
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    Deciphering China's Numbers: Exchange Rate and Hot Money

    The Chinese renminbi (RMB), also known as the yuan, was valued at 6.3198 to the U.S. dollar in China’s foreign exchange spot market on Dec. 27, 2011. This is an 18-year record high since China introduced exchange rate reforms in 1993. At the same time, hot money is said to be fleeing China...
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    Global Causes Attract Growing Share of U.S. Givin

    WASHINGTON: After the 2008 financial crisis, economic growth took a tumble, and amid anemic indicators since, charitable giving would be expected to decline. Indeed, after the global recession, giving dipped in the United States. Yet U.S. giving to charities international in scope rose an...
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