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  1. haviZsultan

    Havi here

    Its been a rough and traumatic few years for me. If I started to explain what I've been through not everyone would believe it. But in the next few months would like to debate here and talk to fellow Pakistanis. I wish I remembered what that feels like. Guys it is my request not to believe...
  2. haviZsultan

    Has Chaudhry Nisar blamed the Chinese for their own kidnapping?

    Hi, folks. This article appeared a few days ago. I want to discuss this in detail and condemn the foolish remarks of the interior minister. This is based on this article: https://tribune.com.pk/story/1433724/two-chinese-nationals-abducted-balochistan-preachers-says-interior-ministry/ Now the...
  3. haviZsultan

    Apologies if I was harsh on anyone

    Hi, I want to dedicate this thread to my apology to anyone who I have been harsh on lately. Tolerance and acceptance/listening of all views is the cornerstone of debate and I may have failed in this recently. Please note that I have had an extremely tough life and am facing multiple problems...
  4. haviZsultan

    10 militants killed during Swabi operation

    SWABI: At least 10 more terrorists were killed by security forces and police during an intelligence-based operation (IBO) in Swabi district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa late Tuesday night. The raid, which is part of a fresh countrywide crackdown on terrorists dubbed Radd-ul-Fasaad, has eliminated 15...
  5. haviZsultan

    India had the most bomb blasts in the world in 2016, says report

    India witnessed the maximum bombings in the world last year, even more than war-torn Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a report. There were 406 such incidents, which include IED and ordnance explosive blasts, in the country. Iraq came second with almost half the number at 221, the report by...
  6. haviZsultan

    Segregation of Hindus and Muslims in India very strong, says scholar

    KARACHI: It was overwhelmingly depressing and alarming to listen to professor in South Asian Studies and Anthropology at Stanford University Dr Thomas Hansen’s talk titled ‘The India that does not shine’ about how Muslims became the poorest community in India at the Habib University here on...
  7. haviZsultan

    Four 'ASWJ workers' gunned down in Karachi

    Four men associated with the proscribed Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ) were gunned down in Karachi on Friday, officials said. Three men were shot in the Shafiq Mor area of North Karachi, Central SSP Muqadas Haider said. The senior officer added that all three men appeared to be 'religious...
  8. haviZsultan

    Indian Hindutva war on religious rights

    Governed entirely by sick mentality the Hindutva outfits led by ruling BJP and Shiv Sena have been targeting Muslims, Islam, Pakistan, Kashmir, etc in order to increase its Hindu vote bank capacity by getting coverts form Congress and other so-called centrist parties. This is a wild strategy of...
  9. haviZsultan

    Lawsuit Filed Against Building Of A Mosque In Bucharest, Romania

    Amid anti-Islam and anti-Muslim euphoria, fomented by opportunist right-wing politicians, a lawsuit has been filed in Bucharest against building a mosque in the Romanian capital. The lawsuit seeks to reverse a June 2015 decision by the then Romanian prime minister, Victor Ponta, to approve...
  10. haviZsultan

    Here is why a trip to Tehran will leave you in wonder

    The closest I had ever come to Tehran previously was when I was nine. I was on a PIA flight to the UK and the plane had stopped in the Iranian capital for a few hours for a layover. And the only sight I got of the city then was from the aircraft’s window. Several months after that, the Shah was...
  11. haviZsultan

    Why Kashmiris celebrate August 14

    On August 14, Kashmiris living across Jammu and Kashmir will organise referendum marches and offer special prayers for the stability of Pakistan, according to the latest ‘protest calendar’ issued by the joint committee set up by the three prominent pro-freedom leaders – Syed Ali Geelani, Mirwaiz...
  12. haviZsultan

    Ramadan charity seeks to free 'innocent' Indian Muslims

    7 July 2016 From the section India Image copyright AFP Image caption Zakat is money traditionally collected during Ramadan One of India's leading Islamic organisations is using the traditional "Zakat" (Ramadan donation) to give legal aid to Muslim youths languishing in jail on serious charges...
  13. haviZsultan

    LEJ leader Haroon Bhatti killed

    LAHORE: Haroon Bhatti, one of the founding members of the banned Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), along with three others was killed in a police ‘encounter’ in Lahore’s Badami Bagh area late on Wednesday. A Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) official said three police officials also received injuries...
  14. haviZsultan

    Why I support Hamza Ali Abbasi standing up for Pakistan’s Ahmadis

    Why I support Hamza Ali Abbasi standing up for Pakistan’s Ahmadis By Shamila Ghyas Published: November 23, 2015 23 CommentsPrintEmail No one is arguing on whether they are Muslims or not. Abbasi did not do that either. PHOTO: HAMZA ALI ABBASI FACEBOOK PAGE All hell broke loose and the balance...
  15. haviZsultan

    Sikh man Veerender Jubbal wrongly blamed for Paris attacks

    Internet confuses Sikh man with Paris terrorist after photoshopped image goes viral - The Express Tribune Who ever did this had a hilarious sense of mind. :) Though the attack is nothing to laugh about. But this is very funny. Photoshopped picture and everyone calling him a terrorist without...
  16. haviZsultan

    It takes Rs0.2m per bulb to make Sindh roshan

    KARACHI: The Sindh government is going to install solar lights within the jurisdictions of the municipal and town committees of rural areas in the province. A total of 20,000 solar lights, with an estimated cost of Rs4 billion, will be installed by June 2016 under the ‘Roshan Sindh Programme’...
  17. haviZsultan

    Has there been strange activity from my account?

    Hi I was recently given this message: Your thread Baloch must become Hindus! (Must Read Article by Baloch Nationalist) was deleted. Source: Pakistan Defence Forum I remember clearly that I have made no such thread nor commented on it recently. Has my account been hacked by typical Indian...
  18. haviZsultan

    There is no freedom of speech in India, it’s a myth

    During one of his court hearings, legendary writer Saadat Hasan Manto told a judge, “A writer picks up his pen only when his sensibility is hurt.” I am appalled by the senseless murder of one of the most noted and progressive thinkers and scholars of Kannada, MM Kalburgi. Verily, as I write...
  19. haviZsultan

    ‘Why can’t you respect our religious values?’: Kashmiris react to news of beef ban

    The reaction was quick and critical. Soon as news went around that the Jammu and Kashmir High Court had passed an order directing the enforcement of a 153-year-old ban on beef in the Muslim-majority state, people and separatists poured out their anger in the Valley, calling it a breach of their...
  20. haviZsultan

    India covering up human rights violations in Kashmir: report

    The Indian government has allegedly been covering up hundreds of cases of human rights violations in Indian Kashmir, including extra judicial killings, torture and forced disappearances, Al Jazeera quoted a report on Wednesday. The 800-page report, Structures of Violence: The Indian State in...
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