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  1. RKhan

    Is this a Positive or a negative - 18th Amendment

    Now that more power will be given to the provinces and away from the central gov, do you guys think that will help or hinder development? Also do you think that the security situation would change?
  2. RKhan

    To all my brother watch this for the laughs

    If only everyone was like this :yahoo: And I hope everyone got the message that we Pakistani's aren't the people portrayed in the media. It's just the "Santa Clauses" up north that are lol
  3. RKhan

    US attack on Pakistan will be a catastrophic mistake, says PEW

    It sad you think criticize about government is a bad thing. I just think Pakistan's policy on the ****** scenario is wrong and it's not in the interest of it people but a few greedy generals/politicans.
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