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  1. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Here’s Why Vietnam Risks Being Labeled a Currency Manipulator

    Vietnam may be the latest country to be targeted by the U.S. as a currency manipulator in a twice-yearly Treasury report on foreign currencies expected this month. The Southeast Asian nation is coming under scrutiny for artificially holding down the value of the dong, people familiar with the...
  2. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Admiral Kuznetsov Carrier to China for repair and Overhaul?

    I don't know how true is this new that Russia will bring Admiral Kuznetsov Carrier to China for repair, US will not like if China take part of repairing Russia Aircraft carrier, any military cooperation between China Russia is not in US's interest. If Russia decide to scrap it, China can...
  3. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    The Truth About 50 Million Empty Homes in China

    Interesting Video, as I said many times we Chinese are much richer than Westerners despite they have higher GDP per capita, we made saving while they spend and spend, Chinese have family spirit which make us rich and thanks to our culture.
  4. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Media stews over growing Chinese numbers in Japan

    Since last year, immigration has been dominating the news in North America and Europe. Recently, it’s become a hot topic in Japan as well. Business weekly Shukan Diamond (July 7) ran a 34-page, three-part special titled “Nippon no Chugokujin: Zen kaimei” (The Chinese of Japan: A full...
  5. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    China starts production of AMD-based x86 CPUs

    Intel won't be pleased By Rob Thubron, Today ‎9‎:‎30‎ ‎AM The big picture: With the US and China in the middle of trade war, the Asian nation is trying to move away from its reliance on American companies and develop its own chips. As such, Chinese manufacturer Hygon has...
  6. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Kathmandu rail link accord signed

    ASIA: Construction of a trans-Himalayan rail link connecting China and Nepal is expected to be completed within seven years, following the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two countries on June 21. No fewer than 14 separate co-operation agreements were signed during a visit...
  7. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Xi has strong words for Trump: 'In our culture, we punch back' — report

    Chinese President Xi Jinping said last week that he will not hesitate to retaliate against the U.S. on trade, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday, citing sources. “In the West you have the notion that if somebody hits you on the left cheek, you turn the other...
  8. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    EU, China vow to uphold international trade order

    BEIJING (AFP-Jiji) — The European Union and China pledged on Monday to uphold a rules-based international trade system, making an oblique criticism of growing protectionism in Washington despite their own disagreements. The two sides held high-level economic meetings in Beijing as both face...
  9. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Russia Will Take China's Side Against U.S. in World Trade War

    Russia's economic development minister revealed Tuesday that his government was prepared to side with China in a burgeoning global trade war with the U.S. President Donald Trump's protectionist trade policies have led China and the European Union to hit back at new U.S. tariffs intended to...
  10. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Nepal Pushes Out Indian Firm From Hydropower Project Near Tibetan Border

    Amid a delay by an Indian firm in completing hydro-mechanical works at the Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Plant, Nepal has set a new deadline of December 2018 for the project. Nepal now wants the Indian firm to subcontract the remaining work to an Australian company already engaged in the project...
  11. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Japan Views China as Ally in Trump Trade Fight

    After years of skirmishing with China over territory and security, Mr. Abe is promoting a rapprochement that reflects Tokyo’s need for allies in upholding the postwar free-trading system. It’s an example of how Mr. Trump’s “America first” policy of curbing imports he says threaten the U.S. are...
  12. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Trump team makes stern demands on China; China makes its own to U.S.

    The U.S. and China proposed seemingly insurmountable demands to each other during two days of meetings in Beijing, but agreed to keep talking in hopes of averting a trade war. “The gap is wide and deep” between China’s state-run economic model and the free market principles of other countries...
  13. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Modern Inner mongolian

    I'm very please that inner Mongolian learn to adapt to new modern life without giving up their culture, they're excellent dancers and singer as Tibetans. I don't think Outer Mongolians can't do such thing.:D
  14. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Nepal-India water disputes spur farming crisis | Al Jazeera

    There is very reason China shouldn't have water treaty with India, look at this.
  15. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    China, Japan jointly develop ‘albatross’ high-speed train, with a top speed of 500km/h

    The new Aero Train, with its albatross-inspired design, has the capacity to beat the top speed of the Shanghai Maglev, currently the world’s fastest train China’s efforts to bring high-speed rail travel around the world look set to heat up as it jointly develops a robotic train with Japan that...
  16. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    China, India agree to resume Kailash Mansarovar Yatra through Nathu La route in Sikkim in 2018

    Beijing: Ten months after the pilgrimage was stopped following the Doklam standoff, India and China on Sunday agreed to resume the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra through the Nathu La route in Sikkim. The decision was made during talks between External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and her Chinese...
  17. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Royal ballet of Cambodia to take center stage at Beijing arts festival

    Royal Ballet of Cambodia is expected to grace the stage in Beijing during the upcoming Meet in Beijing Arts Festival. It will also be part of the cultural events marking the 60th anniversary of China-Cambodia ties. --------------- I love when China make a lot of friends: Pakistan, Nepal, Laos...
  18. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Nepal-China railway govt’s priority: Gyawali

    Kathmandu, April 20 Minister for Foreign Affairs Pradeep Kumar Gyawali today said development of cross-border railways between Nepal and China was a priority of the incumbent government. Addressing a programme held at Sichuan University in Chengdu of China, Minister Gyawali said the...
  19. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    China looks to speed up chip plans as U.S. trade tensions boil

    BEIJING: China is looking to accelerate plans to develop its domestic semiconductor market amid a fierce trade stand-off with the United States and a U.S. ban on sales to Chinese phone maker ZTE that has underscored the country's reliance on imported chips. Senior Chinese officials have held...
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