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  1. Aeneas

    My Sufferings and New Life

  2. Aeneas

    Each village will have a clinic-very very hot issue in China today

    Each village will have a clinic in three years - People's Daily Online Each village will have a clinic in three years + - 08:40, April 08, 2009 Related News Road map charted for universal healthcare Healthcare network to 'cover all' Feedback sought on reform of healthcare...
  3. Aeneas

    Each village will have a clinic-very very hot issue in China today

    Each village will have a clinic in three years - People's Daily Online Each village will have a clinic in three years + - 08:40, April 08, 2009 Related News Road map charted for universal healthcare Healthcare network to 'cover all' Feedback sought on reform of healthcare...
  4. Aeneas

    Why isn't there a concept of a common currency amongst Arabs?

    I really doubt why there is not unite currency of the League of Arab States?just like Euro. It has 22 members: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United...
  5. Aeneas

    why there are not unite currency of the League of Arab States?like Euro

    I really doubt why there are not unite currency of the League of Arab States?just like Euro. It has 22 members: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United...
  6. Aeneas

    Tibet sets "Serf Emancipation Day"

    The Tibetan legislature has decided that March 28th will commemorate the end of feudal serfdom in the autonomous region. Monday's session of the regional legislature endorsed a proposal for setting up the annual "Serfs Emancipation Day". On March 28, 1959, the central government...
  7. Aeneas

    is there going to be a Saudi Arabia,Pak,Iraq axis in muslim world

    is there going to be a Saudi Arabia,Pak,Iraq axis in muslim world,and become the real leader of muslim world.after US army retreat from Iraq.
  8. Aeneas

    PAK will solve problem by One country, two systems

    I heard the news that Pak President promulgated an ordinance to enforce Sharia in Malakand. I think it seemed like "One country, two systems" policy,the policy is now enforce between mainland China and HongKong.maybe including Taiwan in the future. I respect the decision of Pak brothers,it...
  9. Aeneas

    射雕英雄传 《The Legend Of The Condor Heroes》 天龙八部《The semi Gods and semi Devils》(Eightfold Path of the Heavenly Dragon) 笑傲江湖《The Smiling Proud Wonderer&#12299...
  10. Aeneas

    one of the most sensitive issue debated between China,Koreo and Japan

    TOKYO, June 4 Kyodo Yasukuni Shrine will not remove ''traces'' of Class-A war criminals from its premises as it claims the results of the Tokyo war crimes tribunal that convicted them remain controversial, according to a written statement from the Shinto shrine. ''This is a matter of...
  11. Aeneas

    where should be the most developed region of Pak in future

    where should be the most developed region of Pak in future,is it Lahore? and the same question to Indian. not now,but in future. and why do you prefer those region?
  12. Aeneas

    Soliciting articles on Chinese Tibet

    Soliciting articles on Chinese Tibet Have you been to Chinese Tibet? Are you going to Tibet? What impression does Tibet give you? Have you experienced something memorable in Tibet? Have you had some interesting photos or videos about Tibet? If you have, you are invited to share your...
  13. Aeneas

    why Brazil is weak,while US is powful?

    considering the two nations have so many similary points.
  14. Aeneas

    "Nonviolence" in the mouth of "Dalai Lama"

    Buddhists always preach that no living things are to be killed and all violent actions have to be opposed. "I say that 21st century should be one of dialogue," the Dalai Lama told his audience on May 19 when he delivered a speech in Berlin, and he said repeatedly that he only wants autonomy for...
  15. Aeneas

    Wen urges Cambridge to forgive shoe thrower

    (China Daily) Updated: 2009-02-09 07:35 Premier Wen Jiabao has asked Cambridge University to forgive the student who threw a shoe at him during his speech there this month, the Chinese ambassador to the UK said on Saturday. In a press release on the Foreign Ministry's website, Ambassador...
  16. Aeneas

    India defends ban on Chinese toys

    India defends ban on Chinese toys Updated at: 1610 PST, Friday, February 06, 2009 NEW DELHI: India on Friday defended its ban on the import of Chinese toys following a report which said Beijing could challenge the move before the World Trade Organisation. India prohibited the import of...
  17. Aeneas

    what would be the result if US retreat from Iraq?

    Obama had promised retreat from Iraq.what would be the result if US retreat from Iraq? will Iran permeate Iraq and become the leader of muslim world? I suppose muslim world are weaken because they had no leader nations like Germany and France did in European Union. And what would Bin Ladin...
  18. Aeneas

    China-Tibet Relations, Past & Present

    The Tibetan legislature has decided that March 28th will commemorate the end of feudal serfdom in the autonomous region. Monday's session of the regional legislature endorsed a proposal for setting up the annual "Serfs Emancipation Day". On March 28, 1959, the central government...
  19. Aeneas

    what is the relationship between Afghan and Pak?

    what is the relationship between Afghan and Pak?in histroy,in culture,in language,in political. would Afghan more likely to be integrated with Pak or Iran or otherwise.
  20. Aeneas

    I suggest Israel move their country to former Germany colony——East Africa

    I suggest Israel move their country to former Germany colony——East Africa, under the agreement of local government and people's consent. Maybe Israel would be very welcome,because those are awfully poor countries, and the Jews are famous for their wealthy. Once moved to there...
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