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Pakistan Defence

Zoe Ali
Zoe Ali
Hi Thanks for your question, It is the 1st forum from UK that gives Pakistani point of view in an hostile environment, I want to support it. There are many that support the other side but this the only international forum that has given voice to the think tanks on Pak side
Zoe Ali
Zoe Ali
Look the people writing for this forum, I would suggest let's give this some exposure. I know think tanks sitting in UK supporting this, and I am playing my part.
how do you think defence.pk can play its part ? or is playing ts part. i have read a few articles on strafasia and observed that research fellows of univs are giving a good exposure to Pak Pov.
Zoe Ali
Zoe Ali
I think Defence Pk is playing a very important part in spreading Pakistani point of view, but it is based in Pak and international viewers in UK or US or Australia etc see it as a Pakistani forum. Straf Asia is based in the UK and there is where the neutrality comes from its outlook is neutral, but it is being supported by many think tanks like your self,
Zoe Ali
Zoe Ali
that want to give Pakistani side a neutral forum to voice their side of the story. They are also inviting the other side to show its neutrality. But will not support any propaganda against Pakistan. That is why I want to support it and promote it,
Zoe Ali
Zoe Ali
I have some contacts in other countries also that I have asked for support as well. Just posting on defence pk is a great help in promoting it. we want it to be found by international Audience.
I am not sure if defence.pk is based in pak, will need to ask webby, maybe the name and the word itself portrays "Pakistan", while the word Asia covers a continent or part of it. Secondly, there are members from many nationalities here, depends how deep have you dug into PDF.
Nevertheless, i agree that neutrality holds its own importance especially during conflicting statures. Research fellows hold authenticity in their fields so are taken seriously.
is your background journalism and media ?
Zoe Ali
Zoe Ali
Now Social media but background somewhat similar to yours that is why it hurts when we don't get the voice against all the propaganda.
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