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Pakistan Defence

Samudra Manthan
Samudra Manthan
Still kicking. Was staying away from PDF for a while. Got addicted to Korean dramas so was binge watching those :D
Attila the Hun
Attila the Hun
Didn't expect you to be on!!!
Samudra Manthan
Samudra Manthan
How are you doing?
Samudra Manthan
Samudra Manthan
It was just by chance I clicked on PDF. A lot going on with Pakistanis having a lot to cry about.
Attila the Hun
Attila the Hun
I haven't been on in awhile too. I missed the idiots on here!
Watched some Turkish drama..... like a year ago, and found out it was copied from a Korean show. Pretty addictive.
Attila the Hun
Attila the Hun
Why, what happened? Why are they crying!
Samudra Manthan
Samudra Manthan
Yeah Korean dramas are good. An upgraded version of old Bollywood movies. It used to full of love stories like that before Bollywood thought it should Westernize.
Samudra Manthan
Samudra Manthan
First off all they are disappointed that China has not attacked India yet after India occupied a small disputed territory of China via Bhutan. They were banking their hopes on China being their big brother and helping them out from a crunch viz a viz India. That has not happened.
Samudra Manthan
Samudra Manthan
Then Trump administration has recently delivered them a big kick and said it is going to cut off all military aid. So now they find themselves feeling abandoned and with no sugar daddy to keep them warm and cozy. Their feeling of desperation is heightened even move because of their domestic situation.
Attila the Hun
Attila the Hun
Yes, the drama i watched was a cute love story. Normally not into love crap. But loved this drama.
And I now love love stories. LOVE IT.
Attila the Hun
Attila the Hun
Sammy, you must be a happy girl
Samudra Manthan
Samudra Manthan
Yeah they are highly idealistic unlike the Western movies/serials. I did not know much about Korea or Japan, but lately it has been a pleasantly surprising discovery. It is like looking at a modern version of Indian society when I look at them. They are so bloody similar so as to be our identical twins societally value, mannerism, thought, behavior wise.
Samudra Manthan
Samudra Manthan
Very happy :D Things are going well both nationally as well as discovery of so much similar across the world.
Attila the Hun
Attila the Hun
I have zero interest in east Asians. I wish I was worldly
Attila the Hun
Attila the Hun
I mean happy about the crying Pakistanis. But glad to hear you're doing well. Uhmmm, I mean nation. lol
Samudra Manthan
Samudra Manthan
I did not have either before I discovered Lee Min Ho. LOL. He is so dishy. I did not find their actresses remarkable, though they are cute. But their heroes are very good. It feels good though to know more about them. They are very good examples of countries with 0 resources achieving high success in life. Very hard working, non imperialistic, ethical, and very less corruption.
Samudra Manthan
Samudra Manthan
LOL. Nah Pakistan does not occupy my attention too much nowadays, they have gotten boring. How much can you see them cry. It has been years and years. Things are going very well nationally in the sense of the govt tackling all the crippling issues of all these many years head on. That is more exciting.
Samudra Manthan
Samudra Manthan
I am doing well too. I think I am darned lucky living a 0 tension life with good vibes all around me.
Attila the Hun
Attila the Hun
Are all Koreans named Lee ffs? lol

Korean women are alright. Japanese even better!
The Japs are a little weird to me.....i feel zero connection to them.
Samudra Manthan
Samudra Manthan
They have different names, lee is more Chinese name. Koreans are very different from Chinese, both the language and culture, though they are both Indic. Japanese anime is good. If you get time, watch "your name." It is a darn good anime movie and that is what got me hooked initially to Japanese stuff. Then came Lee Min Ho and my korean addiction.
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