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Pakistan Defence

Every political party exists because of this very muscle. Your set your house in order first and it goes away. No two other ways about it
That’s mistaken assumption.
As long as this corrupted power structure exists, nothing can be reformed. It’s far too corrupt and compromised & entrenched to put any thing straight. It ll just carry on coercing, corrupting and manipulating every other entity in the house.

This is exactly why revolutions occur & are needed.
White privilege
White privilege
System of courts kept together by the military?? Now I want to smoke that..If that was the case why did it not punish a single terrorist and force the military to bypass it by creating military courts??
Because they were scared shitless of being targeted themselves and iftikhar Chaudhary episode was a relatively recent occurrence, which created a bit of a rift between these two institutions.
Read a bit deep in your comment and you ll realise you are proving my point.
You ll get there too, you just haven’t had enough shocks yet & haven’t broken out of the bubble.
White privilege
White privilege
Haha, now u change goalposts, Army controls judiciary, conditions applied....
I don’t change anything, you just keep going in circles.
The only way this status quo is maintained is the force of arms.
How hard is it for you to realise and accept this Fact ?
White privilege
White privilege
U are the one going in circles, u called for uprising against the army as it controls even the judiciary with iron hands. Now when I ask the most basic counter questions , u are introducing conditions to your thesis.
White privilege
White privilege
It is quite simple, if the puppet Afghan regime possessed enough power to resist the US on matters of its choice, then certainly , entities within Pakistan are not powerless against the military.
White privilege
White privilege
It is just a propaganda taught to the nation, so that politicians and bureaucrats could scapegoat the military after they have done to their liking
Read through your second comment above 👆 & tell me aren’t you agreeing to my point 100% ?

Where did that puppet Afghan regime go when the occupying American forces left & withdrew their protection ??
Army is rightfully apportioned the largest share of the blame because it is the central force in this status quo.
Hold army leadership accountable, punish them for their misdeeds, reduce their role & power in State structure & then it’s much easier to sort the other crooks out & create a normal sovereign state.
White privilege
White privilege
Of Course I am not saying that the military is powerless, because no one can prove it.Just like no one can prove that they are always 24/7 interfering for sport.
White privilege
White privilege
Your last comment is just propaganda which I referred to, used by politicians. The truth is even after 100 years in power, they would still blame the army for all wrongs, reason: no one would ever let go of a scapegoat and take responsibility, it's human nature
Kharral, in one comment you say it is so corrupted that it cannot be corrected and in next comment you want to correct it. How?
Pray tell us who is going to bring inquilab? What exactly is the manifesto of the inquilabis? What is their ground support and what is their leadership structure.
From Hussain Suhervardi to Imran Khan, all of them were doing propaganda against Army ?
All of them ?
Dismiss Brigadier up leadership, put an end to British era customs & traditions of the army, stop officer recruitment from the current recruiting ground, put rangers & fc under ministry of interior with their own officer cadres, move Army out of Islamabad permanently & put a ban on its entry in to Islamabad in constitution & End western course exchanges.
Certainly not Imran khan or any of the secular parties. If it ever happens it ll be right wing Muslim/Molvi led for sure.
& Most importantly take away all the financial & corporate/welfare organisations away from the Army.
White privilege
White privilege
Propaganda is done in grey area to obtain your preferred shade of grey, to convince the public. It is too tempting to not do it.

If u have something meaningful to add, do continue, but enough with these rants.
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