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Recent content by WilliamGlick

  1. W

    Hinduism and Judaism -Similarities

    What a wonderful question!!! If we study deeply God presents many different moods or personalities, no matter which Holy book you read. For myself there is a description in the Jewish Talmud in which He describes His most loving mood. "The Holy One, blessed be He, will walk with the...
  2. W

    Hinduism and Judaism -Similarities

    You said "No doubt All Jewish , the Christian and Muslims believe on God but they have to follow is shariah of last prophet Muhammad PBUH to receive their recompense from GOD" So will you kill me if I do not accept Muhammad as the last prophet? I do accept Muhammad, but I do not believe...
  3. W

    Hinduism and Judaism -Similarities

    The followers of each religion claim so many things, ours is best, ours is last, etc etc etc. I am very happy to worship anywhere I am also happy to let you and your children live in peace. When we die God will judge. Each of us has many defects and imperfect knowledge and we are subject...
  4. W

    Hinduism and Judaism -Similarities

    "This whole article was an overstretch, a desperate attempt to make a connection." My Dear Bother I have spoken with 100's of Rabbis and Jewish scholars, none have been able to defeat these points. In fact last year the Chief Rabbi of Israel went to India and signed a statement that Jews...
  5. W

    Hinduism and Judaism -Similarities

    Historically Christian and Muslim faiths have their roots in Judaism, so at their core concepts about the soul, creation and God are all the same. I would like to address certain linguistic and philosophical similarities common to both Jews and Hindus, which may open up a broader...
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