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Recent content by Vlad.Nikoleich

  1. V

    Do Iranians take pride in their history of being part of various Caliphate?

    Well, Iranians have their own version of Islam, which, in my quite biased opinion, I tend to say it's better than that of the Arabs. So, probably, nope, they don't like the Caliphates. Religious Iranians insult them for being the wrong kind of Muslims, Secular ones curse them simply for being...
  2. V

    Iran, Turkey seek to boost annual trade to $35b

    The $35b projection sounds implausible given the state of affairs, esp. as the sanctions have eliminated Turkey's gold transfers to Iran, and the recession on the Iranian side of the border. No amount of engineering brains could help Iran as long as it's content with its isolationist policies...
  3. V

    Anniversary of US missile attack on an Iranian passenger plane

    I don't know where this obsession with the Iranian Superpower comes from; Iran has been and will always be a regional power. As for your historical nonsense, the Safavid Iran was one important reason of the many reasons the central Europeans of today do not speak Turkish, or are not Muslims. As...
  4. V

    How Civilizations Die: (And Why Iran is Dying Too)

    You gotta love Turks' fantasies. No wonder it took almost a century for them to learn the difference between 'Mountain Turks' and Kurds. They finally got there of course. The hard way.
  5. V

    How Civilizations Die: (And Why Iran is Dying Too)

    none the less, Do not give up! ;) And Russian fertility rates are scary. I'm unconcerned though.
  6. V

    How Civilizations Die: (And Why Iran is Dying Too)

    Eh, perhaps Erdo has banned condoms as well, in addition to booze... who knows. Forgive my cynicism, but it wouldn't help the cause that much as your kids would be 3rd generation Iranian-Americans—or Americans for short.
  7. V

    Shimon Peres: Israel and Iran could negotiate

    Kursk, ResurgentIran is citing John Mearsheimer, who is an American political scientist. According to him either Israel finally accepts a two state solution or it will inevitably turn into an apartheid state, because there will be a large number of second class citizens, i.e. the Palestinians...
  8. V

    Shimon Peres: Israel and Iran could negotiate

    Granted, John Mearsheimer and Stephan Walt are both realists. That's why if they were Iranian, they'd probably be all in for Iran-Israel cooperation. Will Israel with its vast Media*/lobbying power + Holocaust self-victimization industry ever be called an apartheid state in the near future? I...
  9. V

    Shimon Peres: Israel and Iran could negotiate

    Let's put aside the ideological bull crap for a min, shall we? Iran reached out to the Arabs immediately after the revolution, called for a joint front against the Israelis. The Arabs never believed this; not even for a sec did they appreciate the hand that was extended to them, even for a trial...
  10. V

    Shimon Peres: Israel and Iran could negotiate

    Kursk actually makes sense. Iran - Israel cooperation will only be a matter of time--provided the current issues don't lead to an all out war between the two of course. Iran would still have direct conflict of interests with the US (the Gulf Arab's main patron), even if the regime were to go...
  11. V

    Persian power: Can Iran be stopped?

    The seemingly unavoidable "Persian" sticky is really interesting, all coming from a respected source such as The Economist. Persian Power that can't be stopped!!1!...jesus...as if it is 480 BC... Perhaps it is time Iran finally realized its only natural ally in the face of this kind of PR...
  12. V

    Iran fields 'massive' number of missile launchers

    Look what I just came across: 6. Iran has got only 6 friggin' launchers! I have to add while FAS is considered relatively unreliable as a source, IISS takes pride in having authored one of the most "technical" assessments of Iran's ballistic missile program. Its author Michael Elleman goes...
  13. V

    Iranian Space Program

    SOHEIL, Is there any photo of the SharifSat? What is the resolution?
  14. V

    Iran fields 'massive' number of missile launchers

    It's a relatively important development. I've seen 'experts' put the number of the launchers for the shahab-3 at ~50, and even as low as ~10. This just shows they're more than that!
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