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Recent content by Vishwamithra

  1. Vishwamithra

    Shocking! Know how much Asaram Bapu type godmen earn

    Very Baba has lot of politicians behind him. He is the face of their Money laundering
  2. Vishwamithra

    A very interesting video on the US, Pakistan, and India

    Sir I am the most stupid and Idiot on the earth. please please please forgive me. Sir I am the most stupid and Idiot on the earth. please please please forgive me.
  3. Vishwamithra

    A very interesting video on the US, Pakistan, and India

    I think it is more of pro US govt. Bruce is not a common man on the street. Is is a ex CIA officer. Everything he says or writes has approval by his government. Most often these events are arranged to bring the people into the perception of govt.
  4. Vishwamithra

    A very interesting video on the US, Pakistan, and India

    I dint say this video has Stephen Cohen. Stephen Cohen is part of same Brooking institute. I was talking about other video from the same bookings institute. In this Vedio for example, he presents Pakistan as totally irrational state that can not think. If you buy that message or think that I...
  5. Vishwamithra

    A very interesting video on the US, Pakistan, and India

    Well for Citizens of US, this Video is fine, because it represents US point of view. Also these Videos are more about creating a perception in the people less about what people think. My point is more directed towards Indians and Pakistanis, when we don't have any one from India Or Pakistan on...
  6. Vishwamithra

    A very interesting video on the US, Pakistan, and India

    I had seen that Video long back. I saw many other Videos from Stephen Cohen as well. In none of their videos you will ever find any one representing Pakistan and India. It will be totally US point of view. They present as if they know everything about India and Pakistan. No chance of India or...
  7. Vishwamithra

    A very interesting video on the US, Pakistan, and India

    summary of the video: US is all knowing all good every one else in the world are stupid dumb and take directions from US.
  8. Vishwamithra

    No soldiers for sale

    Sorry I didn't know the full story. I didn't think they were on the orders of government, I thought they were not in duty and directly recruited by Bahrain government. Thanks for the information. If they were on the orders of government, i don't blame the soldiers. But at the same time, there...
  9. Vishwamithra

    No soldiers for sale

    I don't think you understood the concern in the news. You are just reacting emotionally. You may have heard of these statements before: 'soldiers don't retire once a soldier always a soldier'. 'Every one with a gun is not a soldier, soldiers carry guns because they have responsibility to...
  10. Vishwamithra

    From Munnawar Hassan with love .. for Taliban

    I understand what you are saying, but I would like to bring few points: There is ancient saying in India, whenever there is conflict between good and evil, the people who sit and watch are bigger culprits than the evil. The message in the saying is that in any given society good people are...
  11. Vishwamithra

    We are Jihadis; we have the right to rule

    You got me totally wrong. I was explaining what is wrong with the mindset. All those Muslims in India or Pakistan who are try to identify them self as immigrants from Arab instead of accepting that they are local for a reason. The reason is they want to prove they are different just because...
  12. Vishwamithra

    We are Jihadis; we have the right to rule

    Answer is in your question itself. The problem is not religion. Problem is the mindset of the people. When you start judging people by their religion instead of their actions you get this mess. When you identify people by their actions you can easily isolate good from evil. When you identify...
  13. Vishwamithra

    From Munnawar Hassan with love .. for Taliban

    I hope you are in majority.
  14. Vishwamithra

    From Munnawar Hassan with love .. for Taliban

    my friend Americans can pack up and go. They have no responsibility to the future of Pakistan. I don't think you want Taliban to rule Pakistan.
  15. Vishwamithra

    India denies reports of US plans to station military aircraft in Thiruvanan

    it seems like US is trying test how for Indian govt and public are willing to be alloy of US.
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