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Recent content by Veritas

  1. V

    Why Sri Lanka Does Not Trust India?

    I can do whatever I please, you aint my boss, and your president aint no saint.
  2. V

    Why Sri Lanka Does Not Trust India?

    I m not worried about the Lamb or the butcher.
  3. V

    Parveez Mushraf Exclusive Interview in Zar-e-Bahas SamaNews

    This guy is so scared of entering Pakistan, a country he served his whole life.
  4. V

    Why Sri Lanka Does Not Trust India?

    Its good to know that Sri Lanka does not trust India, trust your mafia president... all is well.
  5. V

    India warns Twitter over ethnic violence rumours

    India is ill-prepared to be 21st century country.
  6. V

    Rule of law doesn't exist in America

    Yes, Our dear leader Mitt the Twit will move the Capital to Grand Cayman Islands will stash the law & order there just like his money. All heil RMoney. Now the rule of law will be safe and you cannot tax it no more. The whole tea baggers are getting hilariously stupid. Watch out a Tea bagger...
  7. V

    Should India Be Building Another Carrier?

    Defense budget is not free, Carriers are resource hogs. Indian economy cannot support the super-ambitious Navy because even today majority of Indians live in Poverty. Squalor. Hunger. A third carrier is purely screwed up Priority. You want to go toe-to-toe with China big fella? How about...
  8. V

    Remittances exceed USD 12.5bn

    It breeds a suckers economy, Ivory Towers that are locked and no one lives in. Sense of entitlement from the "rest of the unemployed" family. One guy works and the rest of 12 family members suck. Bangladesh can make all the comparisons , one-third of El Salvadorians live in US, and their...
  9. V

    Remittances exceed USD 12.5bn

    Nothing to be proud of.
  10. V

    Is Defeat in a war good for a country?

    Losing war is not good. Case and Point: Pakistan. To quote a self-proclaimed wise guy on this board, it is still
  11. V

    'Lashker marine wing revived'

    why do they always shout ? I do not see that on TV in US save Fox News' opinion pieces. WTF do they shout... just get a ******** mike man.
  12. V

    Delhi, Mumbai selected for ballistic missile defence shield

    It is sad, but shouldn't the whole or large swaths of India have missile defense. So, the armed forces are only supposed to defend a city or two. This is unacceptable, I think it is high time for South to demand a Confedertion.
  13. V

    Your Views on other nations after joing PDF?

    I would not say other nationalities, what I have learnt (to an extent), Ignore keyboard jockeys and try to follow the ones who are not shallow, have few but authoritative posts. But at times I m guilty of this.. too much snipping just saps energy. Hate is an expensive emotion.
  14. V

    What is behind Dalai Lama's holy cloak?

    Dalai Lama is a thoughtful and intelligent spiritual leader. India should be proud of welcoming this man and accepting him. Dalai Lama and the Tank-man are greatest icons of fight against Oppression.
  15. V

    Suicide may soon be leading cause of death in India, reveals study

    Most of the suicides are farmers, followed by students (this is my assumption). Farmers: because of debt. Students: because of failing exams or getting involved in crazy political agitations or drugs or sexual scams Its a shame mental illness has such a stigma in Asian societies that it is...
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