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Recent content by Type 055

  1. T

    Chinese official warns colleagues: 'don't cheat on your wives'

    Yes I read it, you are correct.
  2. T

    S. Korea says North 'rocket' could fly 10,000km

    US does that, we build more missiles, then our neighbours gets scared and build/buy their own missiles. Welcome to the new arms race.
  3. T

    New Delhi police fire water cannon at India rape protest

    Tell that to the Sikhs in 1984. What was it called? Operation blue star.
  4. T

    PLA/N/AF: A Year In Review

    How can it be 12,500 ton destroyer? Isn't that a cruiser?
  5. T

    Chinese official warns colleagues: 'don't cheat on your wives'

    That's complete BS. It's all internal politics to discredit Bo. His opponents want him gone so they accuse him of all kinds of crap.
  6. T

    Chinese official warns colleagues: 'don't cheat on your wives'

    This is a BS story by the western propaganda machines to cause friction between the party and the state. Don't post this crap.
  7. T

    40 Years Later, Vietnam Remembers Nixon’s ‘Christmas Bombing’

    We liberated Vietnam. That's why Vietnamese women love marrying Chinese men. They know what real men look like and want to be with us.
  8. T

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    Leader Xi needs to get hardline. I feel the CPC are a bunch of liberals. I want tough men in power. I want our own version of Vladimir Putin.
  9. T

    Police State India

    Once a colonial slave, always one. You fought so hard to get free from Britain rule but then went under Italian rule. An Italian christian housewife controls a billion Hindu Indians. Europeans sure love humiliating India.
  10. T

    New Delhi police fire water cannon at India rape protest

    We are not perfect but no one, absolutely no one comes close to the brutal treatment of girls in India. Not even Arab mullahs are this bad. Indians just rape and kill women for fun. Psychotic crackpots.
  11. T

    New Delhi police fire water cannon at India rape protest

    India is the most dangerous place for woman. Indians treat women like sperm dumpsters.
  12. T

    China - The world's hotbed of innovation?

    Nope, it's not based on facts. Just opinions. You are giving opinions. Facts are WIPO says we are innovation leaders. That's all I care.
  13. T

    Police State India

    Atleast we are not ruled by a European woman.
  14. T

    China - The world's hotbed of innovation?

    Again, it's opinions, not facts. Until you can PROVE with facts, you are wrong. Facts say China is now among the most innovative countries on this planet along with US, Japan, Germany and UK.

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