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Recent content by Twinkletoes

  1. Twinkletoes

    Confessions of a Privileged Dalit

    So horrible. I hope it changes and they prosper
  2. Twinkletoes

    “Indian racism towards Black people is almost worse than white peoples’ racism” An Interview with Ar

    Just because we are dark has nothing to do with it. Africans are racist towards Indians too, they committed mass rape and drove all the Indians out of Uganda in the 1970s. And we have nothing in common with them. White and Arabs have a shared history with Africa, they are related to them. India...
  3. Twinkletoes

    Why India must surrender to China in Ladakh

    The best thing they could do is let the inhabitants of Ladakh decide. Although it will probably end up with China anyway, since the people there are Tibetan origin and mongoloid
  4. Twinkletoes

    North-South Indian divide & idea of "DravidaNadu"

    Do you think this will ever happen realistically? It hurts to be part of a country that looks down on you. Right now hindu-muslim is the big topic but what about after?
  5. Twinkletoes

    Hindu-American emerges as Trump mega-donor

    actually from what i know most indian americans are democrats. you can google this. they are the most democrat leaning group in the u.s., except for maybe blacks. i remember an article that said 85% of indians voted for obama in 2008 http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-19473368 An...
  6. Twinkletoes

    Hindu-American emerges as Trump mega-donor

    in the u.s. sikhs are often mistaken for muslims.
  7. Twinkletoes

    Why India is becoming a global darling and Pakistan getting irrelevant today

    india is not becoming a "global darling"...actually it is becoming too globalized. it is slowly becoming a slave to the west, similar to japan. not a good sign. pakistan is backwards because they are too fundamentalist, but at least they are more independent globally
  8. Twinkletoes

    Pakistani father of 35 aims to have 100 children

    i'm not saying india's birthrate is great, but pakistan's is 100x worse :o: i am actually scared for its future
  9. Twinkletoes

    African rulers of India: That part of our history we choose to forget

    propaganda article :lol::lol: india is africa now??? please!!! how far will they go to appease black people?
  10. Twinkletoes

    Tamil nationalists, Dravidian ideologues locked in battle

    this thread is filled with crap: modi devotees spreading their usual propaganda about tamil nadu when they have no idea what is going on. seeman is definitely rising from what i have read. Seeman Is The Rising Star Of Tamil Politics, Making The Campaign Colourful - swarajyamag - April 28, 2016
  11. Twinkletoes

    Why The Hindutva Brigade Loves This Man Despite His Call For India's Break-Up

    interesting. in my experience punjabis always try to separate themselves from the rest of india by saying they are punjabi or north indian. they also have a strong sense of unity, whenever a punjabi sees another punjabi they start talking as if they were friends :lol:
  12. Twinkletoes

    History: A Chronology of Anti-Hindi Agitations in Tamil Nadu and What the Future Holds

    i believe the only reason brahmins were hated was because they supported pro-hindi causes. proof????
  13. Twinkletoes

    Viewpoint: India's tortured debate on nationalism and free speech

    hey i agree with this 100%. hindu nationalism is stupid. however they do a good job of brainwashing people!
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