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Recent content by Twain Shakespeare

  1. Twain Shakespeare

    Did Muslims hate the Jews?

    Deleted and censored expletives, Rezavan, please don't torture me like that! Asking a question like that and forbidding comments! Your going to send me trolling religious websites until I get my thoughts outta me head! Ouch! :( So let me answer pithy before I troll again. My "religion" is...
  2. Twain Shakespeare

    8th grade Christian girl accused of blasphemy over a typo in Punjab

    Reading this thread was a delightful surprise. One of my first experiences of this forum was a thread where nearly every post seemed to defend the blasphemy law and the assassin. Here, as I seem to recall someone saying, (I paraphrase freely) "if even reasonable people like us can get toucht...
  3. Twain Shakespeare

    8th grade Christian girl accused of blasphemy over a typo in Punjab

    Damn good thing you didn't go to school in Texas. You'd have both been beaten by Christer jocks. I haven't said one critical think about the Pakistani school system on this delightful thread, because I live under the Lone Star Flag, and people who live in White Houses shouldn't throw drones...
  4. Twain Shakespeare

    8th grade Christian girl accused of blasphemy over a typo in Punjab

    Appreciate the comment and irony, but...Frickin Calvinist crap! Prosperity gospel is sanctified greed. Did not know Islam mistook wealth for proof of virtue! Thought the bribes all came in the sky when you die, as St Woody Guthrie sang. Prosperity aside, science delivers miracles. Some of...
  5. Twain Shakespeare

    8th grade Christian girl accused of blasphemy over a typo in Punjab

    I want to say I have been very impressed with the responses on this thread, and this comment is friendly. To answer your question, Muse, I'll ask another. "Cui bono?" "Who profits?" Answer, the Wahhabbis and the Saudi Ministry of Tourism.
  6. Twain Shakespeare

    Did Muslims hate the Jews?

    Pretty good thread so far, and nothing I would dispute. Islam and Judaism are far closer in teachings, nature, and sensibilities than Judaism and Christianity, and the conflicts between Jews and Muslims from the Hejira to today have been political, not religious. The Islamic reaction to the...
  7. Twain Shakespeare

    US planned to bomb Britain in 1930

    Sure they had a war. It was against the Germans and their allies for control of Europe. The thing is, anglophones are one people. The fact they are split among half a dozen "nations" just shows not even the British like the British. My grandfather was Scots. I never even heard the Irish...
  8. Twain Shakespeare


    When asked what to do with his mother-n-law's body, the man from Brazil said "Autopsy, cremate, and bury. Take no chances!" Winston Churchill
  9. Twain Shakespeare

    Faster than light particles found, claim scientists

    Physicists urge caution over apparent speed of light violationScientists react with disbelief and call for repeat experiments after results suggest particles can travel faster than light reddit this Comments (369) Alok Jha and Ian Sample guardian.co.uk, Friday 23 September 2011 14.33...
  10. Twain Shakespeare

    Syria Strategy: Call the Monarchies' Bluff

    Smart New Syria Strategy: Call the Monarchies' Bluff and Make Them Do What They Are Demanding of You! by Nicholas Noe For a regime which has, as ICG put it, really inflicted so many wounds on itself (not to mention Syrians) . . . this strikes me as a very effective strategy going forward...
  11. Twain Shakespeare

    Iconic photos that have never left you

    I tried to post 12, 13, and 14 from this list. The other photos are also interesting 15 Incredible Historical Photographs But this is one of the two pictures I most wanted to post http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_kX8bcdnKfJw/Sm4fnX1emiI/AAAAAAAAAIE/VQZtOAy26_o/s400/flowers-and-guns.jpg And...
  12. Twain Shakespeare

    What do you read?

    6th decade. My Dad named me for Twain, his favorite author, Shakespeare, his favorite, playwright, TS Eliot, his favorite poet, and "Tam O'Shatner" His favorite poem. I still haven't quite forgiven him ;) I admit, I was born too late in someways, but the last century was the only chance...
  13. Twain Shakespeare

    What do you read?

    Sun Tzu? Machiavelli on steroids ;) Belligerent Pacifists, I think that was the reaction to having just read the thread "The Caliphate is coming back ha ha" No offense intended. No, wait, I remember. I saw a general administrative warning this morning that said mentioing the sacred...
  14. Twain Shakespeare

    What do you read?

    What do you read? (Aside from Q'ran) There is plenty of talk about the religion elsewhere. 1.What books (genres) do you read? 2.What is your favorite book(s) or author(s)? 3.What book(s) most influenced you? My answers 1. First to least, Science fiction, science, history...
  15. Twain Shakespeare

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Sidney Bashet "Viper Mad" "I'm fifty-one, I've had man fine wrap your lips, around this tea, come on baby, get high with me" Sidney Bechet with Noble Sissle's Swingsters - Viper Mad - YouTube

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