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Recent content by turk1453

  1. turk1453

    Turkey capable of building own navy

    cabatli_53 abicim sana uzun zamandır ulaşmaya calısıyorum. yok mesaj gıtmedı yok su kadar gondermen lazım gıbı zırvalıklarla ugrasıyorum. bana mail gonder bı zahmet. guzel haberlerım var. kib. umarım...
  2. turk1453

    Islamophobia [Dedicated Thread]

    the ottoman is a symbol that is .. nation does not matter. emergence of a powerful Islamic state they are afraid. new ottoman is future. maybe we. maybe you are :) sorry bad speak english....
  3. turk1453

    Islamophobia [Dedicated Thread]

    ottoman= all muslims, one state, one nation. their biggest fears.
  4. turk1453

    Islamophobia [Dedicated Thread]

    Real Islamophobia = Fear of the ottoman
  5. turk1453

    Turkish Armed Forces Multimedia Center

    Jigs: yayınladiğin iki gokdelen arasinda ki f16 fotosu bana supriz oldu. iki gokdelenin arasında dibinde gozuken en yakin olan evlerden biri benim ev:) tektstilkent-esenler-istanbul fotoda gozuken yer. bende ingilizce cok azdan az. o yuzden turkçe yazdim. cevirilerde duzgun...
  6. turk1453

    Congratulations to "cabatli_53" : for becoming a senior member !!!

    usta bende tebrik ederim.
  7. turk1453

    The latest news from Turkish defence industry... S&H Magazine

    good news. I was proud. but not enough. We have to work harder. regars.
  8. turk1453

    Three Turkish soldiers killed in helicopter crash

    Allah onlara rahmet etsin. ülkemizin başı sağolsun.
  9. turk1453

    Where are the other muslim leaders?

    Muslim community leaders to choose more active. Waiting for the Mahdi a.s. to be lazy. Courageous act of all the problems leaders. No need to war. Enough to be interested. i think. sorry bad speak english:(
  10. turk1453

    Where are the other muslim leaders?

    Why are they silence? why are they afraid from Israel and u.s.a.? Is this problem only about Turkey and Palastine? Is this problem all muslim world's problem? isn't it? Are they only care about protect their situation and live with joy and fortune? Are they think to live forever and never...
  11. turk1453

    Turks Love for Pakistanis

    the only real we are Turks love pakistan. two nation one heart.
  12. turk1453

    Pakistan Army's T-129 ATAK Helicopter Deal | Updates & Discussions.

    where are you cabatli? cabatli nerdesin. anladıgım kadarıyla herkes senin yorumunu bekliyor. bende o kadar yabancı dil yok. gerekli cevapları senverirsin:)
  13. turk1453

    Why do Turks Like Pakistan?

    turk=pakistan pakistan=turk two nation one heart do you understand me?
  14. turk1453

    What are Pakistanis's top 5 favorite countries?

    1-TURKEY always 2-i don"t know 3-i don"t know 4-i don"t know
  15. turk1453

    Top Ten Muslim Militaries

    salam alaykum muslim brothers. this is mesage first my mesage. i love you pakistan and humans. beacause we are brother. number one army no problem. all muslims army number one fighter. sorry bad speak english.
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