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Recent content by TopHatter

  1. TopHatter

    American Dare

    Heh heh...oops. :) One problem though: Does the Khalifah allow actual candidates or is it more like Saddam Hussein's "elections"?
  2. TopHatter

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    The purpose of the terrorist is to terrorize. You say 600,000 Iraqi's have been killed. Who killed them? U.S. troops intentionally targeting civilians for the purpose of striking fear into their hearts? Or are the majority indescriminately slaughtered by their fellow Muslims...the ones...
  3. TopHatter

    American Dare

    I'm pretty sure you're on the right track here Asim. His Khalifah probably won't involve things like freedom of speech and debate. That's a wild guess though.
  4. TopHatter

    Pakistan foils coup plot

    Help me out here, I'm more than a little short on knowledge for this sort of thing. If a coup takes place in that part of the world, is it typically masterminded by senior generals? IIRC, in other parts of the world, it's traditionally the "domain" of mid-to-high level officers such as...
  5. TopHatter

    American Dare

    Ohhh! Of course, how silly of me. Now why do I find that statement to be a load of crap?
  6. TopHatter

    American Dare

    "It's not OUR fault, it's the Western infidel influence...we're the VICTIMS here". Heard it before. Broken record. Find a new excuse. Or better yet, quit making excuses. As you command! And now in other news...I don't watch CNN, nor Fox News for that matter. Ironically enough, I've...
  7. TopHatter

    The Shame of Being An American

    Yeah, give me a call when that happens. :disagree:
  8. TopHatter

    American Dare

    Well, be my guest. I'm certainly laughing at YOUR ignorance. Ahh and there we have it. I was waiting for this: "It's not OUR fault, it's the Western infidel influence...we're the VICTIMS here". Please. It gets old after a while. Yeah, it's much more convenient to keep your people locked...
  9. TopHatter

    American Dare

    Really..Hm, did not realize that. :tup:
  10. TopHatter

    American Dare

    Yeah, and the Middle East is a shining example of all of those things. Tell me another one please.
  11. TopHatter

    Democracy & Freedom

    Man you are just full of great thoughts today. Where exactly were our "ideas and values" spread by dropping uranium bombs? I'd love to hear this one.
  12. TopHatter

    American Dare

    I have to laugh at this one, I really do. What the hell do you think progress is measured by? There are probably a handful of truly important things and economical and technological progress are right at the head of the line. And what exactly do you call the current status of the Muslim...
  13. TopHatter

    American Dare

    Thank you. I'm glad that somebody finally pointed that out. Guys, I hate to rain on your parade but the United States didn't invade Iraq to grab oil. The invasion of Iraq was a reaction to 9/11, a warning to other "rogue" states/state-sponsors of terrorism like Libya, Iran, North Korea etc...
  14. TopHatter

    American Dare

    Speaking of naive, I think you might want to consider that Muslims finding solace in being fighters no matter what; greatly precedes the Western Media. It's be around LONG before then. You're also ignoring historical fact: I'll note again that this was WELL before the "Western Media"...
  15. TopHatter

    USA Carrier group heads for Perisan gulf

    So you're saying that the Iraqi Army and Republican Guard tanks were deployed without any projectiles for their main guns? Hell, what are you saying? What argument? You said: "Didn't the Israelis get a boat taken out?" I replied with details of the incident. If you consider my...
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