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Recent content by sameerin

  1. sameerin

    Situation in Pulwama

    Bhai logo, this poster boy has been died or say martyrdom in your language. Please remove this guy from their DP and search for new poster boy.
  2. sameerin

    Situation in Pulwama

  3. sameerin

    Situation in Pulwama

    maja aa gaya dekh kar. iska bheja bach gaya.
  4. sameerin

    Situation in Pulwama

  5. sameerin

    Muslim population 2016

    In India, muslims are more than 250 million + 2 crore Bangladeshi migrants + countless rohingiya +1 crore kashmiri muslims. SO if we total all this. it is around 300 million muslims in india.
  6. sameerin

    What national interests Hafiz Syed serve for Pakistan?

    national interest hafeez saeed serve for pakistan:
  7. sameerin

    Please do not show this to Pakistanis

    you are not going to change. you are very positive about your country. in every negative you see a positive just for yourself.that is good habbit but sometimes there is no harm to accept the realities. request you to please dont quote me back, i have very limited time, i just come pdf to...
  8. sameerin

    Please do not show this to Pakistanis

    this is a news for PDFians only both Pakistanis & for indians, otherwise outside pdf, nobody cares, even in india it is not a news and nobody excited. everybody knows nothing effected pakistan. this is just pdf consumption and daily timepass. otherwise nobody cares. so just chill.
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