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Recent content by Sam65362

  1. S

    I call on the world to boycott Western products! Support Palestine!

    This thread is less about standing with Palestine and more about trolling and glorifying Hitler.
  2. S

    I call on the world to boycott Western products! Support Palestine!

    I don't remember reading that India and China stopped trading anywhere. Nor any official statement or change in trade patterns. We give them money and they sell their products here (it's cheaper compared to the domestic or Western alternative for many products) Indian Chinese relationship is not...
  3. S

    I call on the world to boycott Western products! Support Palestine!

    None of those products are or will be used globally, they're only for domestic production. For most of us only two operating systems exist android and apple, I can't think about moving from android now almost everything I use on a daily basis is linked to it. Qualcomm +TSMC is much more...
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